3 Ways To Overcome Fear & Boost Your Confidence Now

3 Ways To Overcome Fear & Boost Your Confidence Now


I’m writing this to you just hours before speaking in front of 50+ business owners about mindset. The catch? I found out I’m training these amazing people just 24 hours ago!

This got me thinking.

What is my intention heading into this training. Am I focused on serving and helping others, or am I focused on my own fears of rejection?

If you’re anything like me, I’m always concerned if people will like me. In fact, this is something I’ve struggled with for years inside business.

It’s a people pleasing mentality surrounding the fear of rejection.

“What if these people don’t vibe with me and they don’t like me?”

“What if it’s awkward because I just don’t have enough knowledge yet?”

These are the kinds of fears that keep us broke, stuck and frustrated with life. Because we’re not focused on other people. We’re focused on “I”.

So I would love to know, will this help you?

If you take you’re focus off “I” and onto solving other people’s problems will that make an impact in your business?

Remember that the most successful entrepreneurs of the world solve problems.


In Gratitude,



PS: If you enjoyed the video be sure to share this video with your friends!

Does Your Life Feel Like A Never-Ending Battle?

Does Your Life Feel Like A Never-Ending Battle?


Do you ever feel like your life is a never ending-battle?

I’ve purposely held off from going deep on my blog. Like way down the rabbit hole. But I feel the time is right, and if you’re open enough this will make a massive impact on your life.

What I’m talking about here is super simple….


Your Healthy Ego VS Your Wounded Ego.

The wounded ego feeds off feeling better than the next guy or gal, being prettier, smarter, sexier, skinnier, richer, more desirable, more educated, or more powerful.

It craves more and more of whatever it believes will make it feel as good as or better than the next guy.


As children, roughly from the age of 4-5 we have both counterparts in tact. We can experience the full range of human emotions without the labels of good or bad behaviour. Everything just “Is.”

Ever notice how young kids don’t care if they’re judged? They can sing and laugh in public and they don’t care! Ever see an adult do that?

Then, by the age of five we begin our split. We go through the challenging process of learning duality. Good vs bad. Fat vs skinny. Dark vs light. The list goes on and on. This leads us to separate our healthy ego and create a wounded ego.


Because the wounded ego feels incomplete and inferior without it’s healthy counterpart, it is constantly comparing and assessing how it is doing, how it’s holding up in what it perceives to be the battle called life. This is why you can feel that life’s always handing you a sh*t sandwich.


When the ego is wounded, it desperately tries to repair itself by creating outer circumstances that will make it feel better.


What does all this mean??? Somewhere along the line someone told you that you’re a bad girl, you’re a stupid boy, you don’t deserve success, you’re lazy, or you’ll never amount to anything. For the first time in your life, you experienced a negative association with the full range of your human emotions. You linked “being bad” with pain.

Now, anger, jealously, hate, frustration, or any other supposed “negative” emotion was deemed bad. So you began your journey at a young age for the search of becoming a “good” person. And if you did something “bad,” you would be judged.

If your life feel’s like a never-ending battle it’s because your wounded ego is trying to find a way to connect back to your healthy ego.


Our wounded ego falls into a trap. Believing it’s damaged and flawed, it thinks it’s inherent worth exists on the outside to feel whole, happy, and powerful.


Some egos believe material “things” will prove their worth, others through self-love and seduction, while others find ways to create money and power to try and bring themselves back to wholeness.

The nature of the emotional wounds that caused the split in the first place will determine what each person’s ego will seek to relieve it’s pain. It does all of this in hopes to satisfy its hunger and meet its need to feel loved and approved.

The wounded ego will have us chase money, even if it means robbing, cheating or lying to achieve it. Maybe power is the cure, landing you a secure job as the head honcho to control and manipulate others. All of these acts are done in hope to feel loved and approved of. What the wounded ego only wants.


Here’s the tricky part on why often we feel life is a struggle. Consequences are not considered from our wounded egos, because “the split” leaves us arrogant or distorted between fantasy and reality. Which sucks, because we become blind to our own behaviour!


THE COSMIC PARADOX: We cannot see our behaviours. We become a slave to our own wounded egos distorted desires.


The challenge becomes no matter what the wounded ego achieves, it will always fall short. This is because the fulfillment our wounded ego is searching for on the outside, only exists in the inner world. It’s ultimately seeking to return BACK to it’s healthy counterpart, the healthy ego.

Our damaged egos live for love, acceptance, and approval whereas our higher self is whole, pure and authentic and doesn’t want or need to be more.


Let’s understand both


  • It’s perfect. Whole. Complete. Doesn’t want for more
  • It is unlimited, pure and authentic
  • Never has to look for anything on the outside
  • It doesn’t care if it’s recognized or noticed
  • It’s happy just as it is and has no judgements towards itself


  • Feeds off recognition
  • Wants the big prize at all costs
  • Basis it’s fulfilment and happiness on outer experiences
  • On a continual quest to prove that it’s more important, respected, admired, and successful than everyone else


Here’s the Secret, we need both. Both the wounded and the healthy ego work together. It’s not about eliminating or changing the “bad” parts of yourself. It’s about embracing them and using them as your gifts. I recommend you read up on my “Projection” post. This is one of our only ways to discover how the wounded ego is controlling our lives.

Since the wounded ego only wants to be loved and reunited with it’s healthy counterpart, the more love and awareness you can bring to your wounded ego the less you’ll feel life is a constant battle, and you’ll begin to enjoy all aspects of life being connected with a purpose from the divine.


If you insist on living as a SMALL expression of your TRUE Self…

You will have to work in jobs you hate with people you can’t stand

Smile when you don’t feel like smiling

Get extra degrees to prove you’re smart

Wear clothes that are too tight to get some attention

Cheat people to convince yourself you’re successful

Have sex with people you don’t know or don’t love

Push around those weaker than you

Blurt out racial slurs

Get into relationships that break your heart

Pretend you’re nice, when you’re not

Keep your mouth shut when you feel like speaking out

Indulge in addictions that destroy your spirit

Blow up business deals

Puff up your feathers and pretend to be something you’re not

Spend money you don’t have

and suffer the pain of being your own worst enemy


What’s your take on this?


In Gratitude,


3 Money Making Qualities Your Friends Might NOT Have

3 Money Making Qualities Your Friends Might NOT Have


Apparently you’re only as good as your five closest friends. Over the years, I’ve done my best to associate myself with people who have already achieved what I’m in the process of achieving. After years of getting to know myself and others, I’ve learned there’s five key qualities of an individual that you definitely want to surround yourself with if you plan on being successful.


1. Successful People Have Positive Friends

If your friends and family constantly complain about their lack of money, it will undoubtedly affect your money manifesting mojo.

Set an intention to find friends, mastermind buddies and mentors in the next income bracket. Actively seek out places where rich people hang out, for example, your local members-only club.

When you surround yourself with richer people (and see that they are real, just like you), you’ll start to believe it’s possible for yourself. Especially when they’re positive.


2. Successful People Have Friends With Goals

Money is attracted to clarity. Otherwise, it’s like asking your local pizza place to send you “something nice”. You want more money in the bank? How much?

A million bucks is nice, but does your ideal lifestyle even cost a million dollars? By attaching a specific dream to a financial goal, you’re more likely to push through obstacles along the way.

How many stories have you read where money was manifested at the very last minute? It’s because there was an urgency and a specificity to their goal. If your closest friends are just “going with the flow” you’re in trouble.


3. Successful People Have Friends With Gratitude

Gratitude is the manifesting secret sauce, and it’s the quickest way to turnaround a poverty mindset. Start by tracking every single cent that comes into your life, and notice how often you compartmentalize money. If it comes too easily, do you dismiss it as not “real money”?

All money is real and you’ll often find that you’re richer than you think. Every coin in the street is reason to celebrate (and definitely pick it up to manifest more). Decide that every dollar is a sign of wealth to come.


In Gratitude,
