Do we choose when we want to die?

Do we choose when we want to die?

A couple weeks ago my grandmother passed away. She was 82.

Although we weren’t that close, I did grieve for the loss of her, and also deeply for my own mother going through the process of losing her mother.

Which brought me to shoot today’s video…

Do we choose how we want to die?

In explain in further detail inside the video.

At the human level the grieving process is a painful process, and yet healing at the same time.

At the soul level death is but an illusion. Death and birth are the same thing.

This is a really big topic and I questioned if I wanted to go here with you.

But as always, I trust my process and yours. If you’re reading this and watching the video then I trust it’s the message you needed.

Sending you love & light.

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome
Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching

7 Veils Of Illusion Humanity Is Lifting To Awaken

7 Veils Of Illusion Humanity Is Lifting To Awaken


It’s great to be here with you.  I wish we could connect on a deeper level but I’ll do my best to be with you over text.

You may be seeing a lot of changes in your life, and changes in the people around you.  Since Dec 22, 2012 humanity has been on an accelerated process of spiritual growth.

Anything inauthentic is falling apart.  Basically we’re making room for unity consciousness.  You may be seeing an increased shift with people losing their jobs, wanting to change businesses, and leaving relationships.

This is all part of the process to “open space” for aligning your vibration with your souls highest calling.  So you could say there’s a purging happening right now to assist humanity to evolve.

Never in our entire timeline has humanity evolved at the rate it is now.


What’s Does This Mean?

My personal spiritual growth has accelerated dramatically.  I feel much more deeply connected to source.  I feel that my life is in flow and there is an energy that flows through me to my clients and those around me.

I feel joy, peace, love, fulfilment and freedom.  Above all else, I feel a connection to all of humanity and mother earth.

It’s important to understand it’s expected by 2032 humanity will no longer support the egos way of acting out.  The veil of separation is being lifted and we’re being guided to a higher consciousness.

Over the next sixteen years we can expect this process to accelerate even faster.  If you’re reading this you’ve been feeling or seeing these shifts.

It’s a long story (too long for this post) but it dates back 260,000 years to the project of the Golden Era of Atlantis.

I’m writing this post to you in hopes it awakens a memory within you.

So let’s jump into it, here are the seven veils humanity is currently in the process of lifting.


Veil #7 – Awakening 

The first veil is the process of awakening our soul.  We start to take responsibility for everything in our life.  We no longer believe that God lives outside of us but rather within us through our belief system.

As we take responsibility we stand in our power, the veil is removed and our spiritual journey has truly started.  We see our purpose and existence from a higher perspective.

In this vibration we know we have choices and can transform anything we wish.  We no longer live within the confines of our limitations or story.


Veil #6 – Emotional Forgiveness 

Probably the most difficult veil to lift and I’m currently in the process of this one.  It involves completely detaching from ego.  It’s the initiation of losing everything dear to us and having to surrender our heart.

To lift this veil we have to embrace that we are all one.  I am not separate from you.  To lift this veil we have to do the deep forgiveness work on ourselves and others.  Forgiveness is the pathway to freedom.  By going in and doing the deeper forgiveness work we’ll ascend out of the lower vibrations of separation, blame, resentment, and transition into unity, love, and joy.

This has been the primary focus in my life for the last three years.


Veil #5 – Body Identification 

Most people identify themselves as their body.  However, you are much more than that.  The body is simply a training device for the mind and all minds are joined as one.  This was a hard veil for me to lift, especially since I’ve always been attached to my looks.

This is a big process of releasing our egos attachments to our body identification.  When we identify ourselves as our body we see ourselves separate from the whole.  I’ve had to do (and continue to do) a lot of work lifting this veil and loving my body exactly as it is.


Veil #4 – Spirit Beings 

This is when we realize there are spiritual beings outside of us.  We understand the different dimensional levels, elementals, angels, and the thousands of other species that exist hidden to us within different vibrations.  We understand these different vibrations are all interwoven as one.

In this space we no longer believe we’re alone, and we open up the channel of support and help from the higher vibrations of life.


Veil #3 – Mother Earth

Lifting this veil means we understand animals, insects, trees, plants and everything on Mother Earth is alive and intentional.  They are all on their own soul journey.  I’ve always had a deep connection to animals and plants.

Humanity must move into a consciousness of having love for the animal and elemental kingdom.  It is imperative that we work with Mother Earth from a deep space of love to transcend duality and separation.   The animals on Mother Earth are much more conscious than humanity is.  All plants and animals on Mother Earth (even including the water in the oceans) are fifth-dimensional.  This transition happened in 2012, which means everything is vibrating higher than humanity.

Currently we vibrate at the fourth-dimension but Mother Earth is recreating the illusion we live in the third-dimension.  Over the next sixteen years we’ll transition into the unity consciousness of the fifth-dimension.  This is why all animals hold a great deal of wisdom that we can learn from instead of treating them as less than humans.


Veil #2 – Ascended Masters

Behind the scenes there are plenty of Ascended Masters and Archangels helping to support our ascension process.  They are working tirelessly to wake up humanity and return to unity consciousness.  As we lift this veil we start co-operating with them for the highest good of the planet.

I’m fortunate to have been in the process of lifting this veil as of late.  I’m currently working with Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Butyalil to support humanity with our ascension process.  Much of my coaching involves doing my part to raise the vibration of humanity for the highest good of the planet.

Once humanity understands there are thousands of spiritually advanced beings around for support we’ll transition into true oneness.


Veil #1 – True Oneness 

This is a big one.  Once we lift this veil hold on for the ride!  This veil is the understanding that everything in the cosmos is connected to everything on earth.  The stars, mother earth, plants, trees, animals, and humans are all woven into the fabric of life.  Once this veil is lifted we will have peace on earth.  Everyone will understand we are one with everything.

Once this veil is lifted humanity will realize Heaven is not something out there, but instead within all of us.

I would love to read your comment or question below.

And please be sure to subscribe to my free newsletter for email updates on blog post.

With Love,



Ryan Yokome is a soul driven business coach who is internationally recognized in the field of personal transformation. He is the CEO of Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching and the co-founder of the 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass.

Ryan’s innovative and unique coaching training programs guide people to achieve their goals and dreams by overcoming their limitations, fears, and money blocks. Ryan uses a process to help others overcome their insecurities and procrastination to unlock the unlimited courage that resides deep within.

Ryan has helped over 100 people reach five- to six-figure incomes working from home through his mentorship. He provides an inner map for incredible transformation to unlock people’s purpose, meaning, and passion in their lives.

One Simple Step To Live Life To Your True Potential!

One Simple Step To Live Life To Your True Potential!

I’m writing to you from Sedona, Arizona! It’s a beautiful HOT day and I’m blown away with the brilliance and energy in this little hub.

Before I flew out I had a few excuses as to why I shouldn’t go. Even though I knew my intuition was telling me to go. All the signs lined up and I KNEW in my heart this was my next step.

I felt I was too busy and didn’t know if I wanted to go through all the “hassle” of traveling. My coaching business is skyrocketing and traveling was the last thing on my mind!

Do you ever feel like that?

Here’s the deal. I’ve done a lot of traveling for business and it’s great. I go to events and personal growth trainings to better myself. There is always a clear PURPOSE to the trip.

However, this was the second time I had a strong intuitive hit from spirit to travel specifically without knowing the purpose! In fact, I had no idea why I needed to come here.

I just went and trusted the process.

I shot this video for you at the top of Cathedral Rock. It’s one of the vortexes here in Sedona. So if you’d like to travel more but come up with excuses as to why you can’t… this video!

Where do you want to visit?

Know that you already have everything it takes to achieve your lifes goals and dreams.

With Love,
Ryan Yokome

Founder | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching


Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. He is the CEO of Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching and the co-founder of the 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass.

Ryan’s innovative and unique coaching training programs guide people to achieve their goals and dreams by overcoming their limitations, fears, and internal blocks. Ryan uses a process to help others overcome their insecurities and procrastination to unlock the unlimited courage that resides deep within.

Ryan has helped over 100 people reach five- to six-figure incomes working from home through his mentorship. He provides an inner map for incredible transformation to unlock people’s purpose, meaning, and passion in their lives.

Feeling “Off” Lately? You’re Not Alone….Here’s Why The Entire World Is Changing

Feeling “Off” Lately? You’re Not Alone….Here’s Why The Entire World Is Changing

I’m writing to you as I get ready for my first visit to Sedona, Arizona! This was a totally unexpected trip but when the Universe calls me to do something I know it’s time to go!

I have Sedona, Egypt, Peru, Australia, and Mt. Shasta, California all on my spiritual list of places I’m called to visit in the near future.

I fly out in a couple days and I wanted to write to you before I leave. Kris and I (my significant other) are heading over there together. The last few days I’ve had people ask me WHY I’m going there… response?….. I don’t know. LOL!

I had a deep intuitive hit to go while in a meditation.Trust The Process.Trust The Process.Trust The Process.

I just lean into where God needs me to go. So I booked the flights and travel plans with one weeks notice and we’re off Tuesday. I know it’s to deepen my spiritual journey.

The last time I felt this I lived in San Diego, and that birthed my coaching business. The next journey is to Sedona, Arizona!

I’m emailing you because plenty of my clients, friends, and family remembers have been experiencing massive amount of resistance, fears, doubts, and insecurities within themselves and their business……OR……the exact opposite has been happening with people. You might feel totally connected and in flow like you’ve never felt in years!

I shot this video for you to explain the shift in Unity Consciousness we’re experiencing right now. I’ve never gone this deep spiritually on video before but I felt compelled to share with you now.

I really deeply feel the entire world is experiencing this shift. I’m positive I’ll come back with more details after my Sedona trip to strengthen what’s going on in the world.

I’ll keep you posted with an email when I’m back! For now be sure to watch this video I shot for you.


With Love,

Ryan Yokome
Founder | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. He is the CEO of Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching and the co-founder of the 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass.

Ryan’s innovative and unique coaching training programs guide people to achieve their goals and dreams by overcoming their limitations, fears, and internal blocks. Ryan uses a process to help others overcome their insecurities and procrastination to unlock the unlimited courage that resides deep within.

Ryan has helped over 100 people reach five- to six-figure incomes working from home through his mentorship. He provides an inner map for incredible transformation to unlock people’s purpose, meaning, and passion in their lives.

How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom! [3-Part Video Series]

How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom! [3-Part Video Series]

Are you almost where you want to be with your business and your life? Are your passions and goals almost being met? This 3-Part Video Series help you get rid of that “almost”.

Be sure to watch all the videos inside the “How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom” 3-Part Free Video Series.

Video 1: Becoming The Observer

Video 2: Embracing Rejection

Video 3: The Art Of Receiving Money

Just imagine if you no longer had to worry about the following:

  • Finding and retaining clients, customers and business builders
  • Keeping your clients happy and team duplicating
  • Charging what you’re worth
  • Not signing up people fast enough to meet your goals
  • The fear behind growing your business and team

Sound too good to be true? That’s just your inner negative voice talking – the very inner voice that this 3-part video series is designed to help you deal with!

Just imagine how things could be if you took those fears and concerns out of the equation entirely.

You’ll be free to be the best you can be – confident, assertive, creative, passionate and successful.

You’ll get up every morning excited to see what the day will bring, and you’ll go to bed knowing that you’re doing exactly what you want to do – and living the life that you love.

Exciting, isn’t it?

With Love,

Ryan Yokome
Founder | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching