Citrine Crystals Manifest Money, Wealth, and Creativity

Citrine Crystals Manifest Money, Wealth, and Creativity

When I was first introduced to citrine crystals, I fell in love with the color and energy.

I discovered that citrine crystals attract money, wealth, and abundance. They also repel negativity and boost your self-confidence.

I become aligned with my life’s purpose by awakening my spiritual power. When I started to play with crystals, I noticed my spiritual energy heighten to another level.

The Hawaiians call this Mana.

Mana means “power.” The kind of power that you can only get from Mother Earth and supernatural energy. The kind of energy you receive from working with crystals that are grown in the earth!

I love the word Mana! Just think about it for a second. That’s how you manifest money!

Citrine Crystal Manifests Money, Wealth, and Creativity

What happens when we get in our own way? We let people cross our boundaries, lower our self-worth, and dimish our own personal power.

But what happens when we feel spiritually connected and in alignment?

  • You always have more than enough money
  • You are excited about life and your future
  • Your heart is open and you trust the process
  • You experience heightened creativity and happiness
  • You get out of victim thinking or self-sabotage quickly

We’re currently going through a massive upgrade with our energy. Right now I’m noticing what old parts of my identity I’m ready to release. It’s a super interesting time right now!!

If you don’t have citrine crystal yet be sure to purchase one today. They will assist you in manifesting money, creating wealth, and attracting abundance.

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates for the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to align with your soul’s purpose!

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped thousands of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to unleash their greatest purpose. Ryan is a spiritual entrepreneur, transformation coach, nature love, and the host of the Soul Wealth Podcast.

Spiritual Awakening – Becoming Your Best Self

Spiritual Awakening – Becoming Your Best Self

Are you ready to have a Spiritual Awakening?

Are wondering how to transform and reinvent your life?

We are multidimensional beings with a mind, body, and soul. If you wish to experience a spiritual awakening you’ll need to do three things:

1. Tap into your soul and listen to your inner guidance.

2. Let your mind know that it is safe to give up control and come along for the adventure.

3. Allow your body to move in the direction your soul is guiding you.

Often our mind, body, and soul want different things! The key is to remember that you are a “3-Part Being” having a human experience.

Mind, Body, and Soul.

Here’s a video that I recorded during a New Moon when I was feeling aligned with my body, mind, and soul. As you do, this spirit moves through your spiritual awakening process and connects you to the awareness of your source energy.

Spiritual Awakening – Speak Your Soul

There are many ways to have a spiritual awakening. In fact, there is no “right way.” Through one lifetime you will have many spiritual awakening events.

When I look at the times in my life when I’ve transformed my experience, it came through a spiritual awakening process. Some of these events were turbulent, others moved with grace and ease.

I do want to give you a few tools/ ways to connect that I’ve found extremely beneficial for having a spiritual awakening.

Crystals assistant you with having a spiritual awakening

Spiritual Awakening

If you haven’t already read this post on the 7 Best Crystals to attract money, wealth, and success.

Crystals help me to raise my vibration and reach new levels of conscious awareness. They are also powerful for clearing blocks or negative energy.

Getting into nature helps with experiencing a spiritual awakening

Spiritual Awaken

Mother Earth (Gai) holds a very high vibration for your spiritual awakening. Every day I invest around 30-minutes per day in nature.

I may do a quick nature walk or go outside of my home and marvel at the incredible gifts of the earth and cosmos.

Reading about spirituality will awaken your spiritual awakening

Best Spiritual Books

I love to read and study spiritual books. Mostly channeled books bring me the most joy to read and awaken my soul.

I believe that there is high vibrational 5th, 6th, or even 7th-dimensional energy story in the words of channeled books that can unlock the wisdom within ourselves.

Watch this video for my best recommended spiritual books.

I would love to hear from you!

Are you currently having a spiritual awakening? Are things changing in your life? Or, are you feeling stagnant?

Drop me a comment below, and I can’t wait to hear from you.

Especially if you’re ready for a spiritual awakening.

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates for the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to align with your soul’s purpose!

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped thousands of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to unleash their greatest purpose. Ryan is a spiritual entrepreneur, transformation coach, nature love, and the host of the Soul Wealth Podcast.

Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spiritual rituals to create money and freedom. It’s the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to create great money with your soul’s purpose. Click Here To Download Free!

How To Release Control And Trust The Universe

How To Release Control And Trust The Universe

Isn’t it about time you release control and trust the universe?

The universe is sure shaking things up hey? Lately I found myself extremely busy to the point that I wasn’t feeling relaxed on the weekends because I had so many things to do!

And since a large part of my work with my clients is to help them do less, and achieve more, I felt I better take some much-needed rest and repair time!

So on Saturday I set an intention to have no agenda just simply let life unfold right in front of me.

I wanted to see what would open up if I gave up control and started to trust the universe more.

How To Release Control And Trust The Universe

Since I don’t work on Saturdays I was able to take the entire day without having a schedule.

The most magical things opened up! When I walked out of our front door I was immediately greeted with several deer! Talk about giving up control and trusting the universe!

Since I had no schedule that day I didn’t know what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised when the deer allowed me to come within two feet of them as they ate some of the plants and shrubs.

I snapped plenty of photos and even caught some video footage which I was very grateful for! Most of all I enjoyed picking up their incredible heart centered energy and watching in awe as I experienced the beauty of mother nature.

I think I’m going to start spending more days of giving up my own agenda and being so rigid around scheduling and simply allowing whatever life wants to unfold in front of me.

Another thing I did was take the day off from social media and any type of work in front of my computer. I didn’t have any calls with clients nor did I have interviews with the soul wealth podcast.

The universe really showed me that day that I’m safe to slow down, and even when I do I am very supported from the universe.

It was almost like the universe was telling me, “Hey dude, just chill everything is going to work out fine, because it already has.”

I was very grateful for that moment and of course the rest of the day continue to open up more and more amazing miracles. I woke up Sunday feeling very refreshed and much more centered in my heart.

It’s amazing what simplicity, silence, and spaciousness will do for your soul.

If you find yourself having too many thoughts and your life is busy all the time you may be being called to slow down, spend some time in nature, and reconnect with your soul.

As one of my spiritual mentors, Neale Donald Walsch once taught me, here’s a great prayer to help you stay centered when times get busy:

“Thank you universe for helping me understand that this problem has already been solved for me.”

Release Control And Trust The Universe

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates for the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to align with your soul’s purpose!

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to align with their souls purpose. Ryan’s work will help you tap into your own spiritual guidance that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Let’s Connect Spirit Homie!

Connect with me on the Soul Wealth Podcast:
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Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spiritual rituals to create money and freedom. It’s the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to create great money with your soul’s purpose. Click Here To Download Free!

Raise Your Wealth Vibration: How To Clear Limiting Beliefs And Manifest Your Dreams

Raise Your Wealth Vibration: How To Clear Limiting Beliefs And Manifest Your Dreams

Let’s talk about manifesting your soul’s desires from raising your wealth vibration…

…I just uploaded a new VLOG for you.

Do you want to raise your wealth vibes and follow your soul? For as long as I can remember I wanted a BMW M-series car.

Buuuuuuut I had too many limiting or lack money beliefs. When I started to clear out my limiting money beliefs I found myself very organically raising my wealth vibration.

In this video, I shared a short story about how I transformed this one area of my life to manifest one of my dream cars, a 2018 BMW M4.

I truly believe that your personal vibration is what aligns you with your life’s goals and dreams. Watch what you put in your vortex!! I hope you enjoy the VLOG!

Raise Your Wealth Vibration: How Clearing Limiting Beliefs Can Manifest Your Dreams

To me, wealth and success go far beyond the material stuff. It’s ultimately helping you become the person you want to be.

Many times we want a new house, car, or material things because we want to grow to achieve them. It’s the feeling of growth that our soul craves and we enjoy that journey of accomplishment.

You can manifest anything you desire by raising your wealth vibes. Remeber that your external world is all a reflection of your internal world.

Let’s do something FUN! In the comments section below post something that you desire to manifest. We can magnetize your desire and help you bring them into your life faster!

Time to Raise Your Wealth Vibration!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates for the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to align with your soul’s purpose!

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to align with their souls purpose. Ryan’s work will help you tap into your own spiritual guidance that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Let’s Connect Spirit Homie!

Connect with me on the Soul Wealth Podcast:
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Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spiritual rituals to create money and freedom. It’s the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to create great money with your soul’s purpose. Click Here To Download Free!

Overcome Depression With A Spiritual Approach

Overcome Depression With A Spiritual Approach

Do you want to overcome depression, anxiety, or sadness?

I’m writing to you after taking some time to reflect on the passing of several publicly known people.

If you haven’t already heard, Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and Avicii (Tim Bergling) recently passed away due to suicide.

I just uploaded this new video in hopes that it will bring some awareness to others who struggle with depression, anxiety, or sadness.

Overcome Depression With A Spiritual Approach

I read this quote the other day from a writer at Daily Om.

“While we are in a dark night of the soul experience, hold steady knowing the light will appear once again.” – MADISYN TAYLOR

I don’t know why these things happen in life. But I do know that it has something to do with the agenda of the soul.

I believe we all come from a place of pure love, and the earth plane gives us the contrast of fear and love. Sometimes the fear can become incredibly overwhelming since our souls are accustomed to inner-peace and love.

I think we can all agree that we deal with various degrees of depression, anxiety, or sadness in our own lives. How we cope with those experiences and emotions are up to us.

If we want to overcome depression we have to explore what is happening on a soul level. It doesn’t matter how much money or material success you have. The soul doesn’t care about how much money or success you have.

Sometimes the soul will stay in suffering until it has enough. In a way, suicide can act like the death of the ego.

When we delve deeper into overcoming depression, we can see that the soul wants to experience something.

What’s happening within you while you feel depressed? What do you feel when you experience anxiety? What gift is your sadness offering you?

You don’t overcome depression; you surrender into the experience.

My journey was to go through my own experience of deep states with depression, anxiety, and sadness so I could reclaim my life. I knew on a soul level that I hade more work to do to help others on this planet in the physical.

While I believe others who want to overcome depression but in the end take their own life have a soul journey with that experience too. Often the grief of their passing makes us explore our own lives, or remember how precious life indeed can be.

Many times the soul chooses to leave the body to bring awareness to help others align with unity consciousness and awaken love. We come together to grieve the loss of a loved one and find ways to help others who may also be struggling with depression, anxiety, or sadness.

In the video, I shared a few practical ways to overcome depression. I found walks in nature, spending time in meditation, and exercise very supportive to help me through the dark night of the soul.

Also, talking about my life challenges to my life coach. You can also see a counselor, therapist, or healer. You are not alone, and many people in the world can assist you to heal your life.

If there is any way I can help you, I’d love to hear from you in the comments section. Sending loads of love and if you need any support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Overcome Depression With A Spiritual Approach

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates for the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to align with your soul’s purpose!

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to align with their souls purpose. Ryan’s work will help you tap into your own spiritual guidance that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Let’s Connect Spirit Homie!

Connect with me on the Soul Wealth Podcast:
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Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spiritual rituals to create money and freedom. It’s the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to create great money with your soul’s purpose. Click Here To Download Free!

Power Spots On Earth: Release Negative Energy And Awaken Your Wealth

Power Spots On Earth: Release Negative Energy And Awaken Your Wealth

Do you want to release Negative Energy And Awaken Your Wealth?

I just came out of the meditation in which I was delving deep with the piece of Moldavite!

I had a few new guides come and visit me which were very high vibrational beings of light. Three of them told me to share with you some of the power spots on earth that will help you release negative energy and unlock your wealth.

Certain places on earth hold a higher frequency of vibration and will help you release negative energy so you can move forward with your life!

The two places that I’ll be talking about with you today are Sedona, Arizona and Maui, Hawaii.

Power Spots On Earth: Release Negative Energy And Unlock Your Wealth

There is an energy grid around the world that is made up of Ley Lines. These energy lines connect at specific places around the globe to amplify the energy and they also act as communication lines for the earth.

What’s so great about visiting earth power spots is that you don’t need to do anything other than merely get yourself there!

Just by immersing yourself in the energy you will find yourself being able to release negative energy and open up to receive a higher level of abundance.

If you find yourself getting in your own way that it may be time to visit one of these places to help you release negative energy and move forward with your life.

I would love to jam with you in the comment section below in here if you have visited these place before.

Do you want to release negative energy?

Check out these power spots on earth as they will help you move forward!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates for the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to align with your soul’s purpose!

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to align with their souls purpose. Ryan’s work will help you tap into your own spiritual guidance that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Let’s Connect Spirit Homie!

Connect with me on the Soul Wealth Podcast:
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Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spiritual rituals to create money and freedom. It’s the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to create great money with your soul’s purpose. Click Here To Download Free!