Coming out of the Spiritual Closet. What are you waiting for?

Coming out of the Spiritual Closet. What are you waiting for?

Do you ever feel that sometimes you’re different than other people? Do you ever feel that sometimes your outlook on life is different from the way society views the world, or the way you were raised, or the way your family sees life, or your friends?

So, why is this and what do you do about it?

As strange ones, the impasse, the intuitives, the psychics, the mediums, the spiritual entrepreneurs, there’s less than 15 to 20% of us in the world. We operate on a different level, because we operate on the level of the soul, whereas most people operate on the level of the mind only.

When we grow up, it’s very seldom that we have the spiritual support we need to develop into the grandest version of ourselves. If we don’t have the spiritual support, we usually suppress our own brilliance, our magnificence, our connection, our spiritual gifts, and even our emotions. Because we feel like we’re different than the rest of the world, and it’s because we are.

We see things differently. We experience life differently, and to the masses, they don’t understand the world. The masses will tell you, “Don’t listen to your emotions.” The masses will tell you, “There’s something wrong with your mindset.” The masses will tell you, “There’s something wrong with you for being this way. You need to change something.” The truth is you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.

There’s a fear because nobody is taught this growing up. I mean, none of us are taught that we have these incredible gifts and skills, and to develop them. In fact, we’re taught to shove them down, and you definitely don’t talk about emotions. So, the key to coming out of the spiritual closet is to embody all of the emotions you experience. Now, that’s not to say you act on every emotion. You experience every emotion, you experience anger, sadness, frustration, depression, happiness, joy, all of the human emotions.

You experience them all, but if I feel angry at someone, and I want to hurt that person physically, it’s not to say I act on that emotion. I just simply experience the emotion and then I choose the higher version of myself, but I don’t suppress my emotions, because with every emotion comes a gift. If you can honor your emotions, and you can feel into the emotions, you will begin to make choices that are totally in alignment with your soul, and then the whole universe opens up for you.

The universe wants to come through you, it wants to express everything through you, that’s why you have this calling. When it comes to getting your work out to the world, it’s trusting that, and also knowing that you’re safe, you’re supported, you’re loved.

Because you’ll transcend into a higher vibration of truly expressing your soul, you will just have a knowing that people need this. You won’t even need to follow through on some specific structure or plan. Everything you do will be infused with a high vibration of energy that carries through technology, and it will reach the right people, always.

Trust your vibes. Trust your feelings, and trust that if you stand in your spiritual truth as an intuitive, as an empathic person, as a highly sensitive entrepreneur, as a spiritual entrepreneur, there’s somebody today that needs to hear your message.

We’re the weird ones, we’re the different ones. Trust me, I know. We’re not like other people because we don’t operate like the rest of the world. It’s when we embrace that weirdness that we end up moving to a space of playing with the universe. It just gets really fun, and we see everything. We see life differently. The key to all of us is to stop working it.

For any of you spiritual peeps who are trying to get to the finish line, change your approach, your spiritual approach, and move into the process of creating and fall in love with the process, and I guarantee you, you will emanate a phenomenal vibration into the universe, which will become magnetic, which will draw people to your work, which will ultimately help you help your people, and will ultimately lead you to where you want to go in your life.

It’s time. We’re being called to step up and play bigger, and express our true self. Now you have a choice. The choice is really up to you.

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How Do You Start to Wake Up?

How Do You Start to Wake Up?

There’s a saying that once you wake up, don’t go back to sleep.

Once you wake up, it’s like you have this new outlook on life. This new perception. You see life differently.

How do you start to wake up? Well, you have to be with yourself. We are deathly afraid to be by ourselves. This is the key because if you’re always around other people they’re always affirming who you think you are. They call you by your name. They tell you what to do. They tell you what they think you should do.

I recommend you go into the woods or sit by the ocean or a river and you connect to your thoughts. You have to figure out who am I outside of this identity and what is this identity I’ve created, this paradigm that I live in of wake up Monday to Friday, work, have the weekends off.

Very often when I work with someone they start to question why they’re in a relationship with the other person. Because what drove their behavior was actually from their ego in a lot of cases and so when they wake up and they come back to their true selves they go, “Oh my god, I’m with this person and this person is not the person that I actually want to be with.” Either they do the work on the relationship and they stay together and have this huge breakthrough or else they separate.

Once someone starts to wake up, they question their job, they question their relationship, they question their relationship to the universe, to their family. They go, “What the hell have I been doing? Why have I been doing this for so many years? Why have I been living this way?” Whereas up until that point everything was autopilot. Everything was all good. Once someone wakes up, it shifts everything in their world and many people don’t know what to do with it.

The best way to wake up is go spend some time with yourself. And you will figure out who you are and your true self. It’s not some identify that society has placed on you. And then what will happen is miraculous. Then what will happen is you will connect into the truest most authentic version of you.

And there will be such a passion behind it that you’ll just find yourself naturally taking action on things. If you look at society, we’ve got politics, financial structures, social structures, governments, we’ve got media and we’ve got late night TV shows, sitcoms, Jimmy Kimmel, all these things. All of these structures are set up in a way to keep you asleep.

They’re to keep you distracted from ever finding out who you truly are. The news is going to inundate you with 99.9% of negative news, disempowering things to keep you in a vibration of fear.

All of these things are meant to keep you asleep until you get people like Jim Carey who are like, woke. You get people like Joe Rogan, woke. You get people that were pulled to, who are being authentically them and they’re like, “This shit isn’t right. This isn’t the way it actually works. We’re being brainwashed into stuff.”

Be really conscious of what is going in your mind, what is going in your ears, what you’re soaking up. And just be aware. The best thing we can do right now is work together. We have got to work together. And we’ve got to raise up in love and we’ve got to support each other.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

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See you in the community spirit homie!

How to Find Your Life Purpose

How to Find Your Life Purpose

So many people come to me asking what their life purpose is. I feel that I’m aligned with my life purpose, but not everybody does, and some people will ask what’s their soul purpose, what’s their life purpose, what are they here to do. They don’t feel aligned with what they’re doing right now. What I want to do is help you peel back the layers on the onion because you have an agenda on what you think your life purpose is. I want to stretch you into a different line of thinking.

Let’s start off with this question. Who are you? Because the ego is self-identification. So what most people do is they go, what am I here to do? What is my purpose? What is my mission? Who am I here to help? What am I going to do?

What the ego wants to do is get to an identification of I am… I could say, I’m a coach. We put labels on things because it allows us to give us meaning. What your ego wants to do is cling on to an identity of I’m a network marketer, and this is what I do. But is it really who you are? Is it really what you do?

So first and foremost, who are you? If you think you’re your job, your career, you’re not. So go deeper. You guys could say that I’m all these things, these crystals and pictures and books and all this stuff. But none of this stuff is me. None of it’s me. It’s just an illusion. It’s just an image. It really has nothing to do with my purpose.

The first thing about detaching from things, and this is all related to your purpose if you follow me on this, is realizing I’m not my house. I’m not my car. I’m not these crystals. I’m not these books. I’m not these bookshelves. I’m not anything physical because guess what? You’re not taking any of it with you. So if that’s not who you are and you’re not your job and you’re not your career or you’re not your bank account, then who are you?

So let’s take it a step further. My name’s Ryan because that was the name I’ve been given. But who am I outside of Ryan? I know that name. I know that personality. I know that the character traits of Ryan. I know my brand. I know what I portray to the world, but on a deep, deep level, who am I outside of Ryan?

And then you take it to the next level. My ethnicity is I’m half Japanese. You could say I’m Japanese or I could say that you’re Asian or I could say that you’re black or I could say that you’re white. Whatever. But that’s just your body. Your soul is eternal. You could identify and say that you’re that thing with that name with these labels with this house with this stuff, but is that actually who you are? Or are you basing your perception on life on externals?

The ego’s biggest fear and how you will find your life purpose is to strip away all the things you are not. That’s how I found my purpose, which is through the law of detachment. I’m not attached to these things. These things could all go away. My career could all go away. The material things could all go away. And I am totally safe because I’m not attached to these things.

One of the best ways to become detached to stuff is to actually give away something that is truly important to you to somebody else. Then it cuts that cord of us needing to hold on to things.

Suffering is caused by attachment. People try to get out of suffering because they want to be free. People say I want freedom. I want to find my life’s purpose, I want to feel aligned. I don’t want to feel this anxiety, suffering, pain. I want to be free. But in order for you to feel a sense of freedom, you have to embrace the suffering. It’s a part of life. You can’t have the light without the dark. So it’s actually not getting away from the suffering. It’s going into the suffering, and how you go into the suffering is you look at everything that you’re attached to that you believe is your identification because it’s not actually who you are, and you go whoosh. You peel back a layer of an onion.

And then there’s the internal stories. Your stories are not even who you are. We could say I’ve been through this and I’ve been through that and this is happening in my life. But those aren’t actually who you are either. Those are illusions that we’re re-creating and then we get stuck in a story and then we carry them with us until you realize your story is an illusion and you detach from it, for good or bad, joy or happiness. Because joy doesn’t last. But neither does pain. It’s all an illusion.

Your life purpose is not what you do. It’s who you are. It’s who you are as you carry yourself through the world. So it doesn’t matter what you’re doing with your career. You might say I don’t like this job. I’m not happy in this job. This job is causing me pain. I want to be an amazing entrepreneur. I want to grow my business. Can you fall in love where you’re at? Can you constantly choose? My life purpose is to constantly choose a higher version of myself on a moment to moment basis. Because all I have is now.

So I’m not what I did this morning. I’m not what I did 10 years ago. I’m not those stories. I’m not the things behind me. I’m not a label that you see me place myself as on social media. I’m none of these things. The only thing I’m doing with my life purpose is in this moment, can I be an integrity to my soul and can I listen to what my soul is telling me, and can I choose to express the highest version of divinity that’s running through me in this moment around everyone I meet or even when I’m by myself? And can I allow that level of God or spirit or the divine to flow through me with ease and effort and not be attached to how I think things should be but instead be totally open, psychically open, stop living life clinched? And can I just let things go a little bit easier and recognize that my suffering is caused by my attachment to things? When I surrender and give up control and allow, it allows my soul to come through and my ego voice to become quieter. And now my life purpose opens up.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

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See you in the community spirit homie!

Are You Interested In Knowing Your Life Purpose?

Are You Interested In Knowing Your Life Purpose?

Hey Spirit Homie!

Several years ago when I was at my lowest point in life, I went through a massive spiritual awakening.

Gloria Karpinski said it best.

“Turning points announce themselves through a variety of vague symptoms: deep restlessness, a yearning with no name, inexplicable boredom, the feeling of being stuck.”

There I was financially depleted, spiritually disconnected, and emotionally drained after trying so hard to get ahead in life, but nothing was working.

Deep down I knew my soul was calling for more. I knew that I was meant for more. Why was it so hard to make great money with my passions and help others? Why did I keep getting in my own way?

It’s because my MIND was blocking the spiritual connection to my soul. My soul’s guidance couldn’t come through the thick wall of beliefs that said…

“You’re not good enough! You can’t get ahead! Nobody is listening to you! Why bother! You’re not skilled enough! Other people are better than you!”

I had to find a way to quiet my incessant worry and doubt that kept sabotaging my success.

I was so tired of failing that I surrendered everything over to the universe. I stopped trying to solve everything in my mind and let go of control.

I started to meditate, journal, work with crystals, connect with relaxing time in nature, and reflect on my life.

It was in my moments of silence that my muddled mind calmed down just enough that I could hear my soul speak!

My Soul would say…

“Launch your coaching business. Keep going. This is your purpose. Work with private and group clients. Create a spiritual movement. Connect with people’s hearts. Help people.”

As I trusted and kept taking action on intuitive hits, I could stay in alignment with my soul’s purpose with grace and ease. Even if I fell off track because of my ego, I wasn’t waiting there too long.

The gap you need to close today is your spiritual connection. It’s the foundational soul work that aligns you with your life’s purpose and passion. Remember the BEST mentor you have is your intuition. I do want to support you to live your life purpose.

Watch a recent Wake Up With Ryan Facebook LIVE I hosted in discovering your life purpose.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

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See you in the community spirit homie!


The Power of Your Personal Vibration

The Power of Your Personal Vibration

There’s different ways to raise your vibration. But first we have to look at: what is happening with your vibration? You have energy that’s flowing to and through you. It’s moving through you. You can call that source, the divine, God, the God within, you can call it whatever you want.

If you are able to keep that within your container, within your body, within your aura, your vibration increases greatly. It dramatically raises. When your vibration raises, there’s a few things that happen. You manifest faster. You’re a happier person. You’re more in flow. You will make more money. You’ll have great relationships. You’ll feel good, and you’ll notice a lot of opportunities come your way. This is why vibration is so important.

Here’s where people get into a challenge. If you’ve learned to cultivate that energy, and keep it within you, then you’re going to feel great.

But if you haven’t, then you’re leaking your power. Your personal vibration is really high, but then something happens in your relationship, boom, there goes some of your power. Oh, somebody said something to you on Facebook, boom, there goes your power. Oh, you just judged yourself, boom, there goes your power. Oh, you’re not signing up clients and you’re frustrated, boom, there goes your power. You’re hemorrhaging out your energy and you’re lowering your vibration.

Another good place to look at where your power is going is with your body. If you feel exhausted, have chronic pain in your body, or you just have mild pain in different areas of your body; headache, back pain, shoulders, neck pain, different pains in the body … If that happens once a day, or once a week, it’s okay. But if it’s happening every single day, then you really need to look at that, because you’re leaking your personal power. You should not feel like that.

We have deep seated fear of what other people think of us. This is all linked to your vibration. You really care about what other people think of you. The way you carry yourself in the world, the clothes you wear, the way you do your hair, when you do or don’t do Facebook Live, the posts that you write, the Insta Stories that you do, etc.

Is there any part of you that second guesses because you’re worried about what people will think of you? Or you want to look a certain way, or feel a certain way, so people will like you or love you? You want to make sure that you’re not humiliated, or you’re not rejected, or you’re not put out there in a way that people will judge you.

You kind of reach this point where you realize: why am I trying to get people to validate me? Why am I trying to get people to like me? Because if I need you to like me, then I need all of my clients to like me. Then I need everywhere I go, everyone I meet, I need them to like me. Now I’m no longer making it about other people, and I’m making it about myself. If I do that, guess what happens? All the ways that the universe is flowing through me, it’s leaking everywhere.

I’m not able to hold on to my personal power, because I want everyone else to. In order for everyone else to like me, then I need to control everything. I need to control other people. I need to control what the situation is, was happening in the situation. I need to be a control freak, so I can try and keep my energy, which is actually just constantly leaking everywhere.

If I give up control, and I trust, and I stop needing people’s validation, well now I can just be myself. I can take my power back. Now I can raise my vibration. Now I can increase it. Now I have the ability to give back, and stay in a higher vibration of intuition, generosity, joy, and a body that’s at peace of mind, a body that’s in natural ease, because I’m not worried what other people think of me. That’s the key.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

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See you in the community spirit homie!


Awaken Your Spirit

Awaken Your Spirit

Are you secretly afraid of your spiritual power?

I want to support you to tap into your inner strength and build your spiritual self-confidence.

I get you. There’s a calling inside of you to become and create more. If you think you’re not good enough….let your imagination soar!

The vibration of our planet and human consciousness is on the rise every day. We’re shifting into a higher wave and being called to LET GO of anything in our lives that are inauthentic, incongruent, or comprising our soul power.

Let me ask you a simple question.

Have you ever stayed awake at night thinking about your problems in life?

You’re here to do something extraordinary. Why do you get caught up in worry or overwhelm and give away your spiritual power?

If you’re bold enough to delve deeper and explore your soul think about these questions…

Who takes away your power? Who in your life do you give away your spiritual power? Who drains the life out of you?

Who enhances your power? Who do you feel expanded and empowered to be around?

If I’m not mistaken, you’re the kind of person who likes to feel HAPPY!

You’ve probably noticed that certain people or situations disempower or empower you. These situations are called POWER PLAYS. They’re a spiritual lesson to explore where in your life you are having power struggles.

I’m incredibly pleased to tell you that you can awaken your spirit and take your power back!

Let’s explore a simple way on how you can do this.


1. What disempowers me?
2. What empowers me?

If you’ve been waiting for the right time to take your power back then here, you go!

What’s the “gift in the garbage” with list number one, and how can you do more of list number two?

Here me on this….whatever is disempowering you in list number one you are choosing that experience. Why are you giving your power away? You’re going to have to do some soul searching and explore if you want to keep living that way or make that tough choice to change things.

Get creative with your lists! It will be a fun exercise for you! Then as you shift ask yourself how you spend more time and energy doing the things you love.

You are powerful and incredible. You have so much life to offer the world. Today’s the day to take your power back.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

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See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,
Ryan Yokome
Breakthrough Coaching