Hey Spirit Homie!

Several years ago when I was at my lowest point in life, I went through a massive spiritual awakening.

Gloria Karpinski said it best.

“Turning points announce themselves through a variety of vague symptoms: deep restlessness, a yearning with no name, inexplicable boredom, the feeling of being stuck.”

There I was financially depleted, spiritually disconnected, and emotionally drained after trying so hard to get ahead in life, but nothing was working.

Deep down I knew my soul was calling for more. I knew that I was meant for more. Why was it so hard to make great money with my passions and help others? Why did I keep getting in my own way?

It’s because my MIND was blocking the spiritual connection to my soul. My soul’s guidance couldn’t come through the thick wall of beliefs that said…

“You’re not good enough! You can’t get ahead! Nobody is listening to you! Why bother! You’re not skilled enough! Other people are better than you!”

I had to find a way to quiet my incessant worry and doubt that kept sabotaging my success.

I was so tired of failing that I surrendered everything over to the universe. I stopped trying to solve everything in my mind and let go of control.

I started to meditate, journal, work with crystals, connect with relaxing time in nature, and reflect on my life.

It was in my moments of silence that my muddled mind calmed down just enough that I could hear my soul speak!

My Soul would say…

“Launch your coaching business. Keep going. This is your purpose. Work with private and group clients. Create a spiritual movement. Connect with people’s hearts. Help people.”

As I trusted and kept taking action on intuitive hits, I could stay in alignment with my soul’s purpose with grace and ease. Even if I fell off track because of my ego, I wasn’t waiting there too long.

The gap you need to close today is your spiritual connection. It’s the foundational soul work that aligns you with your life’s purpose and passion. Remember the BEST mentor you have is your intuition. I do want to support you to live your life purpose.

Watch a recent Wake Up With Ryan Facebook LIVE I hosted in discovering your life purpose.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

Join the Tribe! http://www.ryanyokome.com/free-coaching/

See you in the community spirit homie!