Do you ever feel that sometimes you’re different than other people? Do you ever feel that sometimes your outlook on life is different from the way society views the world, or the way you were raised, or the way your family sees life, or your friends?

So, why is this and what do you do about it?

As strange ones, the impasse, the intuitives, the psychics, the mediums, the spiritual entrepreneurs, there’s less than 15 to 20% of us in the world. We operate on a different level, because we operate on the level of the soul, whereas most people operate on the level of the mind only.

When we grow up, it’s very seldom that we have the spiritual support we need to develop into the grandest version of ourselves. If we don’t have the spiritual support, we usually suppress our own brilliance, our magnificence, our connection, our spiritual gifts, and even our emotions. Because we feel like we’re different than the rest of the world, and it’s because we are.

We see things differently. We experience life differently, and to the masses, they don’t understand the world. The masses will tell you, “Don’t listen to your emotions.” The masses will tell you, “There’s something wrong with your mindset.” The masses will tell you, “There’s something wrong with you for being this way. You need to change something.” The truth is you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.

There’s a fear because nobody is taught this growing up. I mean, none of us are taught that we have these incredible gifts and skills, and to develop them. In fact, we’re taught to shove them down, and you definitely don’t talk about emotions. So, the key to coming out of the spiritual closet is to embody all of the emotions you experience. Now, that’s not to say you act on every emotion. You experience every emotion, you experience anger, sadness, frustration, depression, happiness, joy, all of the human emotions.

You experience them all, but if I feel angry at someone, and I want to hurt that person physically, it’s not to say I act on that emotion. I just simply experience the emotion and then I choose the higher version of myself, but I don’t suppress my emotions, because with every emotion comes a gift. If you can honor your emotions, and you can feel into the emotions, you will begin to make choices that are totally in alignment with your soul, and then the whole universe opens up for you.

The universe wants to come through you, it wants to express everything through you, that’s why you have this calling. When it comes to getting your work out to the world, it’s trusting that, and also knowing that you’re safe, you’re supported, you’re loved.

Because you’ll transcend into a higher vibration of truly expressing your soul, you will just have a knowing that people need this. You won’t even need to follow through on some specific structure or plan. Everything you do will be infused with a high vibration of energy that carries through technology, and it will reach the right people, always.

Trust your vibes. Trust your feelings, and trust that if you stand in your spiritual truth as an intuitive, as an empathic person, as a highly sensitive entrepreneur, as a spiritual entrepreneur, there’s somebody today that needs to hear your message.

We’re the weird ones, we’re the different ones. Trust me, I know. We’re not like other people because we don’t operate like the rest of the world. It’s when we embrace that weirdness that we end up moving to a space of playing with the universe. It just gets really fun, and we see everything. We see life differently. The key to all of us is to stop working it.

For any of you spiritual peeps who are trying to get to the finish line, change your approach, your spiritual approach, and move into the process of creating and fall in love with the process, and I guarantee you, you will emanate a phenomenal vibration into the universe, which will become magnetic, which will draw people to your work, which will ultimately help you help your people, and will ultimately lead you to where you want to go in your life.

It’s time. We’re being called to step up and play bigger, and express our true self. Now you have a choice. The choice is really up to you.

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