There’s a saying that once you wake up, don’t go back to sleep.

Once you wake up, it’s like you have this new outlook on life. This new perception. You see life differently.

How do you start to wake up? Well, you have to be with yourself. We are deathly afraid to be by ourselves. This is the key because if you’re always around other people they’re always affirming who you think you are. They call you by your name. They tell you what to do. They tell you what they think you should do.

I recommend you go into the woods or sit by the ocean or a river and you connect to your thoughts. You have to figure out who am I outside of this identity and what is this identity I’ve created, this paradigm that I live in of wake up Monday to Friday, work, have the weekends off.

Very often when I work with someone they start to question why they’re in a relationship with the other person. Because what drove their behavior was actually from their ego in a lot of cases and so when they wake up and they come back to their true selves they go, “Oh my god, I’m with this person and this person is not the person that I actually want to be with.” Either they do the work on the relationship and they stay together and have this huge breakthrough or else they separate.

Once someone starts to wake up, they question their job, they question their relationship, they question their relationship to the universe, to their family. They go, “What the hell have I been doing? Why have I been doing this for so many years? Why have I been living this way?” Whereas up until that point everything was autopilot. Everything was all good. Once someone wakes up, it shifts everything in their world and many people don’t know what to do with it.

The best way to wake up is go spend some time with yourself. And you will figure out who you are and your true self. It’s not some identify that society has placed on you. And then what will happen is miraculous. Then what will happen is you will connect into the truest most authentic version of you.

And there will be such a passion behind it that you’ll just find yourself naturally taking action on things. If you look at society, we’ve got politics, financial structures, social structures, governments, we’ve got media and we’ve got late night TV shows, sitcoms, Jimmy Kimmel, all these things. All of these structures are set up in a way to keep you asleep.

They’re to keep you distracted from ever finding out who you truly are. The news is going to inundate you with 99.9% of negative news, disempowering things to keep you in a vibration of fear.

All of these things are meant to keep you asleep until you get people like Jim Carey who are like, woke. You get people like Joe Rogan, woke. You get people that were pulled to, who are being authentically them and they’re like, “This shit isn’t right. This isn’t the way it actually works. We’re being brainwashed into stuff.”

Be really conscious of what is going in your mind, what is going in your ears, what you’re soaking up. And just be aware. The best thing we can do right now is work together. We have got to work together. And we’ve got to raise up in love and we’ve got to support each other.

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