When Should You Visualize? Try This…

When Should You Visualize? Try This…

I’m writing this eight days out from my first Triathlon! A big part of achieving what you want in life comes from mastering the inner game.

I’ve been training hard, but that doesn’t mean anything unless you’re clearing the space in your mind first for what you’re creating in your future.

Check out today’s video:

You seriously want to invest time into this everyday. Make it a habit. If you’re not willing to invest the time to visualize your life at the next level, chances are you’ll just be reacting to what other people throw at you.

You can do this in every area of your life, but I’ll give you an example with my training.

I visualize….

  • The entire race in my head. 
  • Different scenarios and how to react to them
  • What my body feels like
  • When to have nutrition at exact times
  • When to push the pace and when to pull back
  • What it feels like to cross the finish line

I did the same thing when we ran our business from $0 – $2,340,000 in 2012 sales.

You’ve gotta SEE IT, FEEL IT, and EXPERIENCE IT before you actually achieve it.

Everything you have that you like or dislike in your life is a reflection of your story you’re creating for yourself inside your head.

In Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome


3 Reasons To Love Fear

3 Reasons To Love Fear


How many times have you felt yourself shrink?

How many times have you made yourself small enough to fit into some role?

How many times have you kept your mouth shut when you wanted to speak out or handed over your power to someone who didn’t have your best interests at heart?

How many times have you told yourself, “I can’t. I’m not strong enough. I’m not courageous or confident enough to be all that I desire to be?”



Fear is built into our human operating system. It is a useful emotion that has gone seriously awry. Fear can make us choose what we believe will keep us safe even when the opposite is true. Learn to embrace the scary aspects of your fear.



Fear can make us believe that we can’t do it, we are wrong, the cost is too high, the path ahead too difficult. Fear disguises itself with the voice of certainty, filling us with worry, doubt, and even dread. Fear is a very real emotion that can render us powerless. What’s the gift behind these emotions?



Every time fear wins, you lose. Every time you choose fear, you lose sight of your highest aspirations. You fall prey to being controlled by your history rather than rise to the future that you desire and deserve.


In Gratitude,

