Have you ever wondered why you get in your own way? It could be why you get in your own way to create abundance, why you get in your own way to take care of your self-care, to have a better life, to be more connected to the universe.

From what I’ve found within myself and from working with people all around the world, is that it is a mindset thing because of limiting beliefs, fears, or trauma.

But at the core root level, it’s that you are just disconnected from your soul and that’s really it. You’re not dialed into what your soul is telling you to do, and so frequently what ends up happening is it’s the mind that is riddled with fear, or insecurities, or doubts, or worry, or fear of loss.

Then the mind blocks you from connecting to your soul. But at the core level, at the root, it’s learning to drop into your heart and connect with your soul and let your soul guide you.

Your soul is your guide. It’s your best mentor that you have. So you want to use it as understanding that your intuition is your best mentor.

If you want to travel more, or you want to have more fun time, or you want to have more free time, you want to raise your wealth vibes, is you got to start doing the inner work. I call it soul work.

You want to do the soul work on yourself and it starts to get you where your mind can feel safe. Because if your mind doesn’t feel safe, then your heart will never open. Your soul will never open. You’ll always be trying to analyze your way out of things, figure things out in your head. You really got to tap into this space of imagination and curiosity.

Don’t get stuck because this is how the mind works. The mind goes, “I wish I had this thing,” whatever this thing was, and then maybe you get inspired but then you can’t figure it out and then you get confused and then you don’t know your next step and then you get overwhelmed and then you compare yourself to other people, or you think you don’t have enough time, enough money and then you just spin. And you just sit in this spinning.

It actually becomes safer for you to do nothing than to do something but it comes at the cost of you beating yourself up, and your soul feels like, “You’re not listening to me.”

We want to tune back into your soul. To do that, you got to get out of this spinning. One of the fastest ways to get out of this spinning is to start getting help. Ask the universe, “Hey, I need some help here. I need some support here.”

If you don’t have money, you have got to get into action. You’ve got to stop fucking around and get into action. Train yourself to get out of the spinning and then get into action with one thing and then that will start to move you forward.

If you’re in a place where you’re happy but you want to connect back to your soul, go fill your cup up with self-care. So you can fill yourself up and be the best version of yourself and then everyone around you is greatly impacted by that, as well, by you just feeling good about yourself.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

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See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of spiritual seekers create a foundation for inner peace through releasing limiting stories, intuitive development, getting into vibrational alignment, and discovering their life purpose. Ryan’s work help you tap into your inner guru that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Connect with Ryan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryanyokomefan

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my assistant Brandi at brandi@ryanyokome.com