How To Stop Self-Sabotage And Get What You Really Want

How To Stop Self-Sabotage And Get What You Really Want

I’ve got a special video for you today that’s going to help you get what you REALLY want in life!

You’re following your dreams. You’re living your passion. And you’re starting to see the results of doing what you love.

But sometimes those early successes come with a serving of self-doubt and fear, and suddenly you find yourself inching along at a snail’s pace – or worse, stopped in your tracks.

Can you relate? It’s that frustrating feeling of self-sabotage.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Why be your toughest opponent when you can be your strongest supporter instead?

In order to get what you REALLY want in life, you have to learn how to “unhook” from your limiting story that keeps showing up in your life!

This video will help you unhook yourself from the lingering fears and doubting voices that have been holding you back.

After you watch drop me a comment! There is never a better time than NOW to “unhook” from your limiting story!

Just imagine how things could be if you took those fears and concerns out of the equation entirely.

Just think: you’re already experiencing some success even while fighting with your inner fears and concerns. That means that you have what it takes – you have that inner calling that keeps you pushing forward despite it all.

With Love,

Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching


Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. He is the CEO of Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching and the co-founder of the 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass.

Ryan’s innovative and unique coaching training programs guide people to achieve their goals and dreams by overcoming their limitations, fears, and internal blocks. Ryan uses a process to help others overcome their insecurities and procrastination to unlock the unlimited courage that resides deep within.

Ryan has helped over 100 people reach five- to six-figure incomes working from home through his mentorship. He provides an inner map for incredible transformation to unlock people’s purpose, meaning, and passion in their lives.

7 Signs You’re Letting Facebook Distract You From Growing Your Business And Living On Purpose

7 Signs You’re Letting Facebook Distract You From Growing Your Business And Living On Purpose


Well, this is fascinating! Do you ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling the Facebook news feed on autopilot?

The other day I caught myself! There I was, scrolling through Facebook and avoiding emailing back a potential client. Facebook (and social media in general) has become the ultimate avoidance tool. A while ago, I started to observe the way I would mindlessly scroll through Facebook, all while consciously knowing I was avoiding something in my life.

Ah, YES! Facebook is such a wonderful avoidance tool!

As of September 2014, Facebook was worth $200 billion. When it comes to business, our generation’s fear of rejection has become so intense, we’ve mastered the art of avoiding our emotions by temporarily numbing our pain through social media. We know we’re in avoidance, but can’t stop the addiction to this superficial platform.

Don’t get me wrong – Facebook is amazing for business. But it is a superficial way of connecting with people. We express the parts of ourselves we deem acceptable on social media, but hide the parts of ourselves we’re insecure about, ashamed of, or afraid to share with others out of fear of rejection.

Most people are far too afraid to express their vulnerability, so we only see one side of people’s lives…the highlight reel. When was the last time you read a status that said, “I haven’t had sex in 3 months!” Nope, we only get to read about how amazing people’s lives are (for the most part). But the vulnerability…oh yeah…that’s the connection piece. It requires you leaning into your fears of expressing your true self.

I became really good at hiding my secrets from Facebook over the years. Over the last several months I’ve done so much work on myself that I FINALLY had the courage to post this vulnerable video with my significant other. For me, it was a complete “oh shit” moment of vulnerability!

Your money piece is learning to be vulnerable and speaking your voice of truth. That’s where people will connect with you. I talk more in detail about this in my ebook ‘The 9 Network Marketing Personality Masks.’

I have been an entrepreneur for eight years, and a transformational coach over the last seven months. Do you want to know what most of my clients do when they’re bumping up against their fear? Scroll Facebook. Instagram and YouTube are the runners-up.

This is how the pattern may run for you:


You get inspired by thinking of your goals and dreams. You want to take action, talk to people, and share your products or services. This is really motivating to you! You feel inspired by the idea of changing your life and helping others.


Then your fear kicks in. You think, “What if I get rejected? What if this fails? What if this is a waste of time? What if people don’t like me if I bring up my business? What if this gets awkward? I’ve failed in the past, so why would this be different?”


These feelings of rejection kick in your underlying commitment of emotions. Maybe you feel shame, guilt, confusion, resentment, anger, frustration or overwhelm from the idea of taking action. This stuff runs deep. All limiting beliefs are created when you’re under the age of 10. If your fear is really strong, you’ll simply procrastinate and then turn to Facebook to try and avoid the guilt or shame linked to your lack of action.


So you scroll Facebook, hoping to make yourself feel better. You search for inspiration, humour, or gossip, or watch videos in hopes of numbing your guilt or shame of not moving forward in your life and your business. But what you’re really searching for is connection. REAL deep connection. And you’re trying to get that through a superficial platform. Even crazier, you look at people worse off than you, thinking, “Well, I’m not as bad off as that person.” Or you look at profiles of people you admire, hoping to externally build up the confidence in yourself. Then the cycle begins again, once you feel motivated enough to live out your dreams.

This emotional roller coaster is a big part of why Facebook is a $200 billion company. We’re addicted to avoiding our emotions, and Facebook is there to save us.

The following are a few signs that you’re using Facebook as an avoidance tool for running away from your fears, emotions, and actions in business:

  1. Feeling Guilty – You mindlessly scroll the news feed while feeling guilty about your lack of action.
  2. Afraid of Speaking to People – In public, you use Facebook as a tool to avoid speaking to people in real life.
  3. Feeling Depressed – You are hoping a motivational post or video will cheer you up.
  4. Feeling Shame – You want to see what others are doing so you stop thinking about your emotions.
  5. Superficial Connection – You justify your Facebook scrolling as “business building” time.
  6. Bored or Confused – You are completely unconscious and are surfing Facebook for no reason.
  7. Not Present – You don’t give your partner quality time because you’re “always on your phone.”

My line of work is about making the unacceptable, acceptable. Or making the unconscious, conscious. Taking action on income-producing activities is a habit, just as scrolling the Facebook news feed is a habit. If you’re fearful of speaking to people about your business (online or offline), you have to go into that fear.

Your breakthrough is always on the other side of your resistance. It’s learning to be comfortable with your fear and being with your fear, not running away from it. My life started to dramatically change when I embraced my fear and found the gift in everything I was resisting.

Here’s a few action steps you can apply to change your ability to lean into your fear instead of avoiding it:

  1. Go Into Your Guilt – What do you feel guilty about? Guilt is directed outwards, saying, “I should have done something different.”
  2. Lean Into Your Fear – Get uncomfortable speaking to people about your business. Fumble around with failure.
  3. Take Up Meditation – Our internal world is a reflection of our external world. Heal what needs to be healed from your past internally.
  4. Go Into Your Shame – What do you feel shame about? Shame is directed inwards, saying, “Something is wrong with me.”
  5. Get on the Phone or in Person – Real connection happens by leaning into your fear of authentically connecting with people…not superficially connecting.
  6. Hire a Coach or Join a Community – Get direction and accountability, and put support structures in place to honour your growth.
  7. Set Boundaries – Life is short, and real connection is more important. Set boundaries of when to get on Facebook.

Ready to radically change your life and business by embracing your fear of rejection, receiving money or self-worth?

Book your free 30-minute breakthrough coaching call with Ryan now!
===> CLICK HERE to Book Your Call

With Love,
Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching


Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. He is the CEO of Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching and the co-founder of the 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass.

Ryan’s innovative and unique coaching training programs guide people to achieve their goals and dreams by overcoming their limitations, fears, and money blocks. Ryan uses a process to help others overcome their insecurities and procrastination to unlock the unlimited courage that resides deep within.

Ryan has helped over 100 people reach five- to six-figure incomes working from home through his mentorship. He provides an inner map for incredible transformation to unlock people’s purpose, meaning, and passion in their lives.

How Showing Vulnerability Can Skyrocket Your Business And Deepen Your Relationship

How Showing Vulnerability Can Skyrocket Your Business And Deepen Your Relationship

Do you ever feel afraid to show your vulnerability?

Maybe you’re worried that others will judge you as weak, insecure, or a poor leader.

In today’s video you’re going to learn why showing your vulnerability can skyrocket your business and relationships.

So here we are, five weeks into facilitating our 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass and it’s on The Power Of Risk.  I declared 2015 would be a year of risks for me, and this is one of the biggest to date!

Kris and I have been through a lot;  as most couples have.  I can honestly say it’s taken me 13 years of getting to know Kris to finally be fully open and vulnerable with her.

When I say getting to know Kris, I mean getting to know myself.  For many years I was fearful of opening up to her, mostly because I didn’t feel I needed to.  I was very masculine by nature, and the idea of vulnerability never crossed my mind.

I came to realize not only in my relationship – but also in my business – I was afraid to show my entire self, my whole self.

To avoid that level of vulnerability, I built my business around trainings and business advice;  which was really a round about way to hide, cover up or mask the parts of myself I was afraid to share with the world.  Mostly, from the fear of being judged.

Since launching my Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching business in September of last year,  I’ve grown a lot.  I’ve learned a lot about myself and about women;  since all of my private clients are women.

Vulnerability has helped strengthened our love, connected us deeper and serves us to make a bigger difference in the world.  Especially since we work, live, and love together!

This video below is a window into seeing who Kris and I really are.  All of our imperfections and flaws without filters.

Hope you enjoy the video:

Of course I’d really like to hear your thoughts!

What was your biggest take-away or is there anything you’d like to share?

I also want to forward a couple of great resources that my coach forwarded me;  both are excellent reads and I highly suggest you order a copy for yourself today:

Here’s Your Two Book Recommendations: 

The Way Of The Superior Man by David Deida

This is more for the dudes!  It’s an excellent read on learning how to embrace your masculine.

Dear Lover by David Deida

This is more for the ladies!  It’s an excellent read on learning how to embrace your feminine.

I’ve read both copies, and learned a ton.

Sending you love and can’t wait to read your comment!

Love & Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching

12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass Starts Feb 9th!

12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass Starts Feb 9th!

BlogClick Here To Reserve Your Seat And Enroll Into The 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass!

This 12-Week Immersion Program Will Help You Flip Your Fear, Make More Money and Skyrocket Your Home Business While Being Deeply Spiritually Connected!

Your Masterclass starts February 9th!  Kris Britton and I are beyond PUMPED to have you apart of the community!

We have a NEW up levelled format over 12 weeks.

Are You A Network Marketer or Coach?

The 12-Week Soulful Money Master Class is an exclusive immersion program for network marketers and coaches to break through money blocks, flip fear and {finally} earn a full-time income working from home.

Class Starts Monday, February 9th 


NEW: 9 Live one hour group Q&A coaching calls
NEW: 1 Private Coaching Call per Month with Ryan or Kris
NEW: Weekly training videos for each related theme of the week
– Downloadable course worksheets and weekly action steps
– Downloadable morning success mantras and intention list
– Private FB group for community, networking and accountability
– 24/7 support from Ryan Yokome & Kris Britton in the FB group
– Inside secrets on how to create a full-time to six-figure business

Group Q&A Calls Are Held Every Monday @5pm PST / 8pm EST and are recorded.

===> Click Here To Reserve Your Seat And Enroll Now

We look forward to seeing you inside the group!!

Love & Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching

PS: Once we start class on the February 9th the doors will be closed!

===> Click Here To Reserve Your Seat And Enroll Now


FREE Video Training: Make More Money and Skyrocket Your Business While Being Deeply Spiritually Connected!

FREE Video Training: Make More Money and Skyrocket Your Business While Being Deeply Spiritually Connected!


Click Here To Boost Your Confidence And Skyrocket Your Business While Being Deeply Spiritually Connected!

Are you a network marketer or coach?

We’re back for Round 2! Are you ready to BOOST your confidence and skyrocket your business while being spiritual at the same time?

For a limited time we’re giving you free access to our Soulful Money Masterclass 3-part video training. This series will help you flip your fear and get into profit mode with your home business.

Do you struggle to confidently speak to people about your business? Do you want to break-free and feel unsatisfied with your business results?

I get it! Before breaking a 6-figure income working from home I deeply struggled with fears. In this series you get to see me coach in “real-time” and watch as I help my significant other identify and break through her fears.

If you own a home business or are a coach this is a must watch video series!

After entering your information you will receive video 1 in your inbox!

===> Click Here and Watch The Soulful Money Masterclass Video Series

You’ll receive video 2 and 3 in your inbox over the following days. Please remember to share this post with your friends and let them receive the training as well!

You are an inspiration. Looking forward to starting this journey with you.

Love & Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching

PS: Keep your eyes peeled for some BIG news coming out. Until then, enjoy the video series!

Click Here To Watch Now


3 Powerful Tips: How To Replace Your 9-5 Income In 3 Months From Doing What You LOVE

3 Powerful Tips: How To Replace Your 9-5 Income In 3 Months From Doing What You LOVE

What are you seeking as an entrepreneur?  Most people I work with are seeking freedom.  Not only financial freedom, but spiritual connection and deep freedom to express who they are.

Maybe you feel stuck or constricted in a job that you don’t like.   What if I told you in three months you could be doing what you love, full-time?

Without a doubt your soul has a calling.  You’re probably reading this blog or watching this video because on some level you desire more from your life.

I totally get it!  In today’s video learn three powerful tips on how to replace your 9-5 income in three months from doing what you love.

Be sure to leave your comment below!  When do you feel the most empowered?  This is really important for you to understand and OWN.

You have the option to focus on what’s working in your life versus what isn’t.

Here’s the outline of the 3 tips:

1. Am I focused on what’s right or am I focused on what’s wrong?

2. Where do I need to upgrade my skills and grow?

3. Does networking and connecting with people bring me joy?  If so, then what am I doing with my time that is disempowering me?  How can I invest more time into things that empower me?

I’m excited to read your comment, chat soon!

Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching

PS: Do you need more in-depth coaching?  Book a free 20 minute breakthrough coaching call with myself!

Click Here To Book Your Free Coaching Call
