Do you ever feel afraid to show your vulnerability?

Maybe you’re worried that others will judge you as weak, insecure, or a poor leader.

In today’s video you’re going to learn why showing your vulnerability can skyrocket your business and relationships.

So here we are, five weeks into facilitating our 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass and it’s on The Power Of Risk.  I declared 2015 would be a year of risks for me, and this is one of the biggest to date!

Kris and I have been through a lot;  as most couples have.  I can honestly say it’s taken me 13 years of getting to know Kris to finally be fully open and vulnerable with her.

When I say getting to know Kris, I mean getting to know myself.  For many years I was fearful of opening up to her, mostly because I didn’t feel I needed to.  I was very masculine by nature, and the idea of vulnerability never crossed my mind.

I came to realize not only in my relationship – but also in my business – I was afraid to show my entire self, my whole self.

To avoid that level of vulnerability, I built my business around trainings and business advice;  which was really a round about way to hide, cover up or mask the parts of myself I was afraid to share with the world.  Mostly, from the fear of being judged.

Since launching my Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching business in September of last year,  I’ve grown a lot.  I’ve learned a lot about myself and about women;  since all of my private clients are women.

Vulnerability has helped strengthened our love, connected us deeper and serves us to make a bigger difference in the world.  Especially since we work, live, and love together!

This video below is a window into seeing who Kris and I really are.  All of our imperfections and flaws without filters.

Hope you enjoy the video:

Of course I’d really like to hear your thoughts!

What was your biggest take-away or is there anything you’d like to share?

I also want to forward a couple of great resources that my coach forwarded me;  both are excellent reads and I highly suggest you order a copy for yourself today:

Here’s Your Two Book Recommendations: 

The Way Of The Superior Man by David Deida

This is more for the dudes!  It’s an excellent read on learning how to embrace your masculine.

Dear Lover by David Deida

This is more for the ladies!  It’s an excellent read on learning how to embrace your feminine.

I’ve read both copies, and learned a ton.

Sending you love and can’t wait to read your comment!

Love & Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching