Do you want to raise your spiritual vibes with money and abundance?

Working with crystals during the last few years has transformed my life spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

Below you can explore the seven crystals I’ve used to attract money, wealth, and success.

Remember that any money blocks are a block in your energy. Typically if you have money blocks, it is an energy block in your emotions, health, or relationships.

The following crystals can help you open your energy and allow money to flow into your life.

Watch the video below first, and if you have further questions I can support you with please leave me a comment, and I’ll send you a reply!

Work With These Crystals To Attract Money and Wealth (Plus increase your joy, abundance, and well-being.)

Below you will find the seven crystals I recommend inside the video.

Please allow your intuition to guide you to the best crystals that align with your soul! As you raise your vibration you will align with a higher frequency of abundance and flow.

1. Moldavite

When I first started using moldavite, I could feel it warm up in the palm of my hand! Moldavite is a very high vibrational piece that accelerates your spiritual growth process.

I love working with Moldavite because it releases fear, opens your heart, and aligns you with your life’s purpose. You will also manifest your goals and dreams much faster when working with these pieces.

You will also notice your spiritual lessons speed up as you flush out your old fears and limiting beliefs. Only work with Moldavite if your soul feels called to do so. I was recommended working with Moldavite from my friend Ken, who first suggested it to me. It’s so fun to work with once your body’s vibrational adjusts to a higher vibration of energy. Watch my Moldavite Video Here.

2. Amethyst

I have Amythest everywhere in our home! It works wonders for clear negative energy and bringing you peace of mind.

My work in the world as a coach requires me to be sure my energy is clear and open. Amythest helps me be an open channel to serve my clients and release the feeling of overwhelming confusion, or blocked energy pent up in my mind or body.

3. Citrine

Citrine is my go-to crystal for abundance. Citrine continues to open new cycles of abundance in my life that is aligned with my soul.

You do not have to cleanse Citrine as it repels negative energy due to its super high vibes. If you keep a tumbled stone in your pocket, it will raise your vibration and attract new opportunities that can create abundance. When money making opportunities come through be sure to receive them! It may be Citrine working its magic.

4. Pyrite

Pyrite is the magical crystal that attracts new clients, customers, or teammates. I love Pyrite because it holds masculine energy that will get your moving into aligned action!

Pick up a piece of Pyrite is you struggle to attract people who want to work with you.

I’ve found Pyrite works well with specific goals. Remeber that money loves a purpose! If you know, you’d like to attract ten new people to work with then set that intention then work with your piece of Pyrite. Keep your piece of Pyrite in the area you work such as your office.

BTW, Have you downloaded my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course? You’ll get 7 Spirtual Rituals To Create Money And Freedom. It’s the Spritual Approach For Getting Out Of Your Own Way To Create Great Money With Your Soul’s Purpose. Click Here To Download Free!

5. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is feminine power! When I first started working with Chrysocolla, I noticed an opening of my heart and communication.

In the past, I have found it hard to voice my true feelings. Chrysocolla helped me open my communication to speak my truth healthily.

Chrysocolla helps me speak my truth on the Soul Wealth Podcast and Wake Up with Ryan. Chrysocolla also helps me send voice or text replies to my clients from a deep connected space to give them the most value from a higher vibration.

I’ve also noticed Chrysocolla help me speak my truth on social media and not hold back from my strong spiritual point of view. If you struggle to speak your truth, it’s a very nurturing crystal.

6. Lemurian Seed Quartz

My spirit guide, Faith came through working with Lemurian Seed Quartz crystals. My heart started bursting open when I first began working with these crystals!

The miracles you receive in life are in proportion to how open your heart is willing to be. Working with Lemurian Seed Quartz crystals helped me open my heart and begin channeling the School of Soul Wealth and Conversations with Faith.

A book to help you awaken to your spirit guide is “Opening To Channel: How To Connect With Your Guide” by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer.

7. Blue Lace Agate

The crystal of speaking your truth and creating consistent income! Blue Lace Agate is one of my favorites because of the soothing energy.

It will support you to open your throat chakra and get out there speaking your truth! If you are struggling to create consistent income through your business, or you’re just getting started to begin working with Blue Lace Agate. This crystal will stabilize your energy and support you to create consistent money flow.

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to align with their souls purpose. Ryan’s work will help you tap into your own spiritual guidance that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Let’s Connect Spirit Homie!

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Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spirtual Rituals To Create Money And Freedom. It’s the Spritual Approach For Getting Out Of Your Own Way To Create Great Money With Your Soul’s Purpose. Click Here To Download Free!