When I was first introduced to citrine crystals, I fell in love with the color and energy.

I discovered that citrine crystals attract money, wealth, and abundance. They also repel negativity and boost your self-confidence.

I become aligned with my life’s purpose by awakening my spiritual power. When I started to play with crystals, I noticed my spiritual energy heighten to another level.

The Hawaiians call this Mana.

Mana means “power.” The kind of power that you can only get from Mother Earth and supernatural energy. The kind of energy you receive from working with crystals that are grown in the earth!

I love the word Mana! Just think about it for a second. That’s how you manifest money!

Citrine Crystal Manifests Money, Wealth, and Creativity

What happens when we get in our own way? We let people cross our boundaries, lower our self-worth, and dimish our own personal power.

But what happens when we feel spiritually connected and in alignment?

  • You always have more than enough money
  • You are excited about life and your future
  • Your heart is open and you trust the process
  • You experience heightened creativity and happiness
  • You get out of victim thinking or self-sabotage quickly

We’re currently going through a massive upgrade with our energy. Right now I’m noticing what old parts of my identity I’m ready to release. It’s a super interesting time right now!!

If you don’t have citrine crystal yet be sure to purchase one today. They will assist you in manifesting money, creating wealth, and attracting abundance.

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

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Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped thousands of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to unleash their greatest purpose. Ryan is a spiritual entrepreneur, transformation coach, nature love, and the host of the Soul Wealth Podcast.