My Conversation with Faith on Creating Money with your Soul’s Passion

Why do so many people in the world have a hard time making great money living their passion?

Your world is composed of people who do not remember who they are. In this sense, they are out of vibrational alignment with their source energy. When you are out of vibrational alignment, you’ll take on jobs, careers, or roles that resonate at the vibration of who you are not. Until you reach a point when you choose to do the soul’s work, you will remain trapped doing work out of alignment with the highest version of you.

It’s taken me 35 years to align my life work with my core passions. I’ve had to invest a lot of time and energy into discovering who I am. Why does it have to be so complicated? Why can’t it be easier for people just to make great money doing what they love?

Your question is flawed. This comes from the assumption that making money doing what you love is hard to discover. It takes no more energy to make money doing what you love than it does to make money doing what you dislike. The only thing that determines which path you take, either doing what you love or doing what you dislike, is the vibrational frequency at which you resonate.

So how can I change my vibrational frequency to match an even higher version of who I am in this lifetime?

You must always come back to the same question that you regularly ask yourself. Who am I? This is a constant moment-to-moment practice of remembering who you are. For much of your life, you have forgotten who you are and you resonate with the vibration of others who are forgetting who they are. When I say to remember who you are, I am referring to the divine intelligence that lives in you. This is not something you need to become; this is someone you already are. In this sense, you do not need to create so much as you need to re-align with the vibration of source energy.

Are you saying that everything is already created in the universe?


Do you mean if somebody wants to live their passion and make significant money, that version of them already exists? Is that correct?


So all we have to do is get into alignment with that version of ourselves, correct?

Yes. To become aligned with your true self you must be willing to give up who you are not. This is your ego side, the part of you that makes you believe you are someone who you are not. The part of you that falls into the trap of feeling hopeless, confused, overwhelmed, or angry. When you feel this way, it is a signal you have moved out of vibrational alignment with the source energy of whom you are. When you align with the vibration of love, joy, happiness, freedom, and expression, you are realigned with the vibrational frequency of source energy.

How can I stay in that vibration all of my days?

This is a divine paradox. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. In this sense, do not judge when you move out of vibrational alignment. Notice yourself making choices based on fear, or forgetting who you are. In this sense you are correct, this is very much a moment-to-moment choice you make, whether to consciously align your vibration with source energy. For in doing so, in choosing to align, the entire universe opens up for you.

Do you have any other tips for anyone reading this on how they can start making a great living doing what they love?

Follow what feels right. You know what feels right. You have too many thoughts throughout the day to monitor your thinking. In this sense to simplify what you need to do next, say “Yes” to the things that feel right to you and “No” to the things that don’t. This will align you with your intuition and you will begin to make choices following your higher self. Your higher self will only open up to guide you along the path when you begin to follow and act on what feels right to you.

Sometimes making choices that feel good to us can be hard. We can’t just walk away from responsibilities because they don’t feel good, like a job that pays the bills.

The only reason a decision would be hard for you is that you have compartmentalized the choices as good or bad, right or wrong, disempowering or empowering. Be the observer. Notice what you do, what you say, and how you feel when you make choices that don’t feel good to you. Also, notice how you feel when you make choices that feel good to you. As you realign with the vibration of your highest self you will begin to shift out of an old life that longer serves you and into a life in which fulfills your soul.

It’s so simple!

The pathway to freedom begins by making choices that feel right to you.

Thank you, Faith!

One last thing. For now, remember that to open up the universe you have to be willing to give up the things you’re holding onto that no longer serve you. The universe can only take away what you are willing to give it. What are you willing to give up today so you can start to say “Yes” to the things that feel good to you?

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

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