15 Things You Should Give Up To Succeed In Network Marketing

15 Things You Should Give Up To Succeed In Network Marketing


What do you need to give up?

Join a home business and make a bunch of money. Life will be great then right? Everything stays the same but you’re making way more money.

Except it doesn’t really work like that.

Here Goes….

#1. Give up your need to be right. It will cost you thousands.

#2. Give up taking all the credit. No one person creates a successful team.

#3. Give up hanging around losers. Be around positive people.

#4. Give up your fear of rejection. No doesn’t mean no, just not right now.

#5. Give up re-inventing the wheel. Learn from others who have succeeded before you.

#6. Give up on TV. The infamous automatic income reducer.

#7. Give up taking advice from broke people. Hint, Hint again, find a good mentor.

#8. Give up procrastination. What are you waiting for?

#9. Give up on failing. If you need help, admit it and get help FAST.

#10. Give up on blaming others. Take 100% responsibility of your results.

#11. Give up on being optimistic. Upgrade your skill-sets.

#12. Give up making it about you. Start helping others.

#13. Give up on excuses. You’re bigger than them.

#14. Give up being nice. Challenge people to break their “routines.”

#15. Give up selling. Focus on raising people up instead.


Can you please like and share away on Facebook? Thanks so much friend, you rock!

In Gratitude,


PS: I did I miss anything? Leave your comments below…

$275,000 Intuitive Decision – Turn Your Idea Into Cash Going Into 2014

$275,000 Intuitive Decision – Turn Your Idea Into Cash Going Into 2014

ryan1I want to tackle a topic today that will guide you to wealth. It’s called your intuition. I’m going to teach you how to be in flow and guided to turn your ideas into cash.

Do you lack self-confidence in your decisions?

Do you ever wonder if you’re making the “right” choices?

A couple years ago I had an intuitive hit to start my home based business. Fast forward to today and that decision has helped us earn over $275,000 in commissions. $250,000 in straight commissions and $25,000 in bonuses.

Pretty cool right? Here’s the deal though, when I had the intuitive hit to make that decision I was scared out of my mind! I was deathly afraid of failing at yet another thing. To top it off, I was completely broke behind six months on every bill I had.

Recently I had the same intuitive hit to write “Scared, Broke & Hungry: 5-Steps to Breakthrough Procrastination and Triple Your Home Business Income in 60 Days.” Two months ago I started writing without knowing why, I just felt intuitively I had to and officially launch everything to you, December 26th for a 3 day only exclusive offer. 

I know it will also be a huge success.

Both times I had the “gut” feeling to take action. You know what I’m talking about! That’s your intuition. When it’s not there, you’ll always say; “something doesn’t feel right.” Both times it felt RIGHT.

So here’s the deal. I know you also get these intuitive hits and you probably have ideas you’d like to turn into cash. But what do we do? Brush it off like it’s no big deal. “Oh, it’s just an idea.” How may times have you done this to yourself only to see someone else take action on it?

When you have an idea your intuition is the first thought, your logic is the second.


That intuitve hit you get comes from God himself. In fact, I believe none of the ideas we come up with are ours. I believe we’re a vessel to express that higher power, whatever it looks like. So you really have to TRUST in both yourself and that higher power because it’s an expression and expansion of consciousness.

Let go of what you think is the right decision and TRUST that you’ve been chosen to fulfill this idea because you didn’t think of the idea, you’re simply fulfilling it.


When building my home business I am in flow. While I was writing Scared, Broke & Hungry I was in flow. Things will be easy and effortless. There won’t be any major hangups or stumbling blocks. If you do, you’ll find a solution very quickly. This is how you KNOW you’re on the right path. If you’re not, it will feel like you’re going upstream and there’s a challenge at every corner.


I only take action when I feel in flow because then I know it’s coming from a higher space. If I’m feeling off, depleted or just having a rough day I won’t take action on my ideas. Why? Most people believe they have to THINK of ideas. The truth is, all we have to do is download it. The idea is already created. If I’m not feeling inspired or creative because I’m having an “off” day then I know my action (or content) is not coming from a higher place. It will only be coming from my analytical mind.

See, the Universe is abundant. All we have to do is learn how to EXPRESS it properly. You can turn ANY idea into cash if you understand it’s never your idea, and that it’s simply an expression from higher consciousness. That’s how you always follow your intuition.

Whatever idea you have, take action on it immediatly because that’s the gifts The Universe wants YOU to express.

ACTION STEP: This week ONLY make decisions from your first intuitive thought. Those decisions will not always be business building choices. It may be turning left instead of right to find a closer parking lot at the grocery store. Train your mind this week to make ALL decisions based on your intuition.

Do you have an idea you’d love to turn into cash? I’d love to hear below.

In Gratitude,



3 Invisible Signs You Fear Rejection

3 Invisible Signs You Fear Rejection


I’m here in my home town of Vancouver, BC Canada sitting in a Starbucks writing to you on a Monday morning.

I’m drinking my Green Tea and thinking of the 3 Invisible Signs that keep business owners stuck, frustrated and confused on how to grow their business.

Fear Of Rejection.
Fear Of Rejection.
Fear Of Rejection.

Okay, so maybe just one thing. Lol. But it’s TRUE right?

In my first year of business this was really hard for me. I’ve learned to “manage” it now, since I can guarantee you it will never go away.

I used to think…

“If I talk to that person about my business, they probably won’t take me seriously because I’m not making much money myself!”

“What if this person thinks I’m selling them, and the conversation gets weird!”

I started digging into why this happens, and what I can do to overcome it.

If you’re fearing rejection, it’s stemming from something deeper than just someone rejecting your business.

You’re really fearing them rejecting you.

Like the time you wanted to ask out that guy/ or girl and they shot you down. OUCH.

Like the time you had a great idea in class at high school, raised your hand and shared your idea only to have the entire class and teacher laugh at you. STUPID IDEA.

Like the time you wanted the brand new Barbie doll or GI Joe as a child and your parents told you, “No we can’t afford it.” I NEVER GET WHAT I WANT.

Are you starting to understand?

You’re walking around with an incredible business to change peoples lives while dragging behind you five suitcases packed with the fears of rejection from your past.


Because somebody shot you down.

These are the invisible signs that you fear rejection.

I call it our shadow beliefs. The great Carl Jung said, “the shadow is all the parts of ourselves we would rather not be.”

In other words, you’ll avoid doing the “work” to sign-up people into your business because of the rejection from your painful past.

Maybe you started your business because unconsciously you felt “Success will bring you happiness.”

The truth is, until AND ONLY until you learn to dig into these invisible signs of your fear of rejection you’ll struggle to change your life.


Invisible Sign #1

You’re A People Pleaser.

If someone rejects you, then chances are it will shatter your world of that person liking you. Removing your people pleasing status quo.

So the voice goes off in your head, DO NOT TALK TO THEM ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS!!

Stop this. I have plenty of people that hated and rejected me at first. Now they love me and can’t thank them enough for helping them get life changing results.


Invisible Sign #2

You’re The Nice Guy/Girl

You have the facade of being super nice. Never pushing people, never getting into confrontations, and avoiding challenging conversations.

Life is a bowl full of cherries!

If you’re doing this, you may be afraid of people seeing you as anything but NICE.

Challenge people and stop being so nice. Don’t mistake being nice, with caring. You can still care for people, but challenge them on why their broke, stuck, unhealthy and frustrated.

If you’re feeling this, you’ve likely had an experience in your past of voicing your opinion only to be shutdown by someone you cared about.


Invisible Sign #3

Living In Your Fear Story

You’re projecting into the future all the possibilities of NEGATIVE and PAINFUL emotionally charged feelings that could happen IF you bring your business up.

Notice I said IF. Because it hasn’t happened yet. You’re projecting the outcome before it’s even happened.

I find this most common inside our industry.

Go in with a “neutral” outlook. I don’t like to go in with a negative or even positive potential outcome.

I go in with a neutral outcome because this allows me to not be attached to a specific yes or no as to whether they’ll sign up.

You’ll experience A LOT less of an emotional roller coaster ride with this approach.


Well my time is up at Starbucks and my butt is sore from sitting! Lol

I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts on your biggest take away.

Please like and share with your friends!

In gratitude,



3 Ways To Overcome Fear & Boost Your Confidence Now

3 Ways To Overcome Fear & Boost Your Confidence Now


I’m writing this to you just hours before speaking in front of 50+ business owners about mindset. The catch? I found out I’m training these amazing people just 24 hours ago!

This got me thinking.

What is my intention heading into this training. Am I focused on serving and helping others, or am I focused on my own fears of rejection?

If you’re anything like me, I’m always concerned if people will like me. In fact, this is something I’ve struggled with for years inside business.

It’s a people pleasing mentality surrounding the fear of rejection.

“What if these people don’t vibe with me and they don’t like me?”

“What if it’s awkward because I just don’t have enough knowledge yet?”

These are the kinds of fears that keep us broke, stuck and frustrated with life. Because we’re not focused on other people. We’re focused on “I”.

So I would love to know, will this help you?

If you take you’re focus off “I” and onto solving other people’s problems will that make an impact in your business?

Remember that the most successful entrepreneurs of the world solve problems.


In Gratitude,



PS: If you enjoyed the video be sure to share this video with your friends!

Stressed About Money? 3 Simple Ways To End Your Money Fear Now

Stressed About Money? 3 Simple Ways To End Your Money Fear Now


I just finished planning a 10 day trip in December to Encinitas, California to ring in the New Year. I’m so excited about it!

This got me thinking.

I’ve been to San Diego three times before. Twice when I was broke and more recently once when I wasn’t.

Planning this trip earning five times more income now, compared to the past two times has been vasty different!

In past years I used to think;

“It’s so expensive can I afford it right now?”

“Even if I get down there, how am I going to afford food and accommodation?”

One of the most common fears I hear from people is their money fear. They just can’t do the things they want to do in life and are constantly thinking lack.

I completely understand because it was a huge fear of mine too. That’s why I chose to change my life, hustle like crazy and earn more money.

Money gives you options.

Maybe just like you, I’m working on becoming financially free too. But I did take my income from $20,000/year to $133,000/year in 24 months working from home.

I don’t say that to brag. It’s what’s possible for you too. If I can achieve it, so can you.

I know today’s training on “3 Simple Ways To End Your Money Fear Now” will help you because it helped me 6X my income. More importantly, ease the mind chatter of stress.

Are you starting to get a sense where you’re stuck? One acronym for F.E.A.R. is; False Evidence Appearing Real.

The thing is, when you’re stressed about money it’s VERY real!

So in today’s comments below I really need your input. The best way for me to give you the highest value videos I can, they have to be relevant to what YOU want!

Or I’ll just be creating videos that don’t serve you, and won’t make a difference in your life.

So, here are your three questions to comment below with;

  1. What do you want?
  2. Why do you want it?
  3. What’s stopping you?

Just incase you missed writing these down, here are the 3 questions from today’s video for you to take notes on.

1. What Is The Gift? – Your mess is your message

2. Am I being honest? – Write down the problem then only list solutions.

3. When Is My Escape Date? – Set a goal, Pick a date and expand your vision.


To Your Amazingness,



PS: Thank you for being amazing, caring, courageous, giving and a heck of a lot of fun to be around!