How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom! [3-Part Video Series]

How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom! [3-Part Video Series]

Are you almost where you want to be with your business and your life? Are your passions and goals almost being met? This 3-Part Video Series help you get rid of that “almost”.

Be sure to watch all the videos inside the “How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom” 3-Part Free Video Series.

Video 1: Becoming The Observer

Video 2: Embracing Rejection

Video 3: The Art Of Receiving Money

Just imagine if you no longer had to worry about the following:

  • Finding and retaining clients, customers and business builders
  • Keeping your clients happy and team duplicating
  • Charging what you’re worth
  • Not signing up people fast enough to meet your goals
  • The fear behind growing your business and team

Sound too good to be true? That’s just your inner negative voice talking – the very inner voice that this 3-part video series is designed to help you deal with!

Just imagine how things could be if you took those fears and concerns out of the equation entirely.

You’ll be free to be the best you can be – confident, assertive, creative, passionate and successful.

You’ll get up every morning excited to see what the day will bring, and you’ll go to bed knowing that you’re doing exactly what you want to do – and living the life that you love.

Exciting, isn’t it?

With Love,

Ryan Yokome
Founder | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching


7 Signs You’re Letting Facebook Distract You From Growing Your Business And Living On Purpose

7 Signs You’re Letting Facebook Distract You From Growing Your Business And Living On Purpose


Well, this is fascinating! Do you ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling the Facebook news feed on autopilot?

The other day I caught myself! There I was, scrolling through Facebook and avoiding emailing back a potential client. Facebook (and social media in general) has become the ultimate avoidance tool. A while ago, I started to observe the way I would mindlessly scroll through Facebook, all while consciously knowing I was avoiding something in my life.

Ah, YES! Facebook is such a wonderful avoidance tool!

As of September 2014, Facebook was worth $200 billion. When it comes to business, our generation’s fear of rejection has become so intense, we’ve mastered the art of avoiding our emotions by temporarily numbing our pain through social media. We know we’re in avoidance, but can’t stop the addiction to this superficial platform.

Don’t get me wrong – Facebook is amazing for business. But it is a superficial way of connecting with people. We express the parts of ourselves we deem acceptable on social media, but hide the parts of ourselves we’re insecure about, ashamed of, or afraid to share with others out of fear of rejection.

Most people are far too afraid to express their vulnerability, so we only see one side of people’s lives…the highlight reel. When was the last time you read a status that said, “I haven’t had sex in 3 months!” Nope, we only get to read about how amazing people’s lives are (for the most part). But the vulnerability…oh yeah…that’s the connection piece. It requires you leaning into your fears of expressing your true self.

I became really good at hiding my secrets from Facebook over the years. Over the last several months I’ve done so much work on myself that I FINALLY had the courage to post this vulnerable video with my significant other. For me, it was a complete “oh shit” moment of vulnerability!

Your money piece is learning to be vulnerable and speaking your voice of truth. That’s where people will connect with you. I talk more in detail about this in my ebook ‘The 9 Network Marketing Personality Masks.’

I have been an entrepreneur for eight years, and a transformational coach over the last seven months. Do you want to know what most of my clients do when they’re bumping up against their fear? Scroll Facebook. Instagram and YouTube are the runners-up.

This is how the pattern may run for you:


You get inspired by thinking of your goals and dreams. You want to take action, talk to people, and share your products or services. This is really motivating to you! You feel inspired by the idea of changing your life and helping others.


Then your fear kicks in. You think, “What if I get rejected? What if this fails? What if this is a waste of time? What if people don’t like me if I bring up my business? What if this gets awkward? I’ve failed in the past, so why would this be different?”


These feelings of rejection kick in your underlying commitment of emotions. Maybe you feel shame, guilt, confusion, resentment, anger, frustration or overwhelm from the idea of taking action. This stuff runs deep. All limiting beliefs are created when you’re under the age of 10. If your fear is really strong, you’ll simply procrastinate and then turn to Facebook to try and avoid the guilt or shame linked to your lack of action.


So you scroll Facebook, hoping to make yourself feel better. You search for inspiration, humour, or gossip, or watch videos in hopes of numbing your guilt or shame of not moving forward in your life and your business. But what you’re really searching for is connection. REAL deep connection. And you’re trying to get that through a superficial platform. Even crazier, you look at people worse off than you, thinking, “Well, I’m not as bad off as that person.” Or you look at profiles of people you admire, hoping to externally build up the confidence in yourself. Then the cycle begins again, once you feel motivated enough to live out your dreams.

This emotional roller coaster is a big part of why Facebook is a $200 billion company. We’re addicted to avoiding our emotions, and Facebook is there to save us.

The following are a few signs that you’re using Facebook as an avoidance tool for running away from your fears, emotions, and actions in business:

  1. Feeling Guilty – You mindlessly scroll the news feed while feeling guilty about your lack of action.
  2. Afraid of Speaking to People – In public, you use Facebook as a tool to avoid speaking to people in real life.
  3. Feeling Depressed – You are hoping a motivational post or video will cheer you up.
  4. Feeling Shame – You want to see what others are doing so you stop thinking about your emotions.
  5. Superficial Connection – You justify your Facebook scrolling as “business building” time.
  6. Bored or Confused – You are completely unconscious and are surfing Facebook for no reason.
  7. Not Present – You don’t give your partner quality time because you’re “always on your phone.”

My line of work is about making the unacceptable, acceptable. Or making the unconscious, conscious. Taking action on income-producing activities is a habit, just as scrolling the Facebook news feed is a habit. If you’re fearful of speaking to people about your business (online or offline), you have to go into that fear.

Your breakthrough is always on the other side of your resistance. It’s learning to be comfortable with your fear and being with your fear, not running away from it. My life started to dramatically change when I embraced my fear and found the gift in everything I was resisting.

Here’s a few action steps you can apply to change your ability to lean into your fear instead of avoiding it:

  1. Go Into Your Guilt – What do you feel guilty about? Guilt is directed outwards, saying, “I should have done something different.”
  2. Lean Into Your Fear – Get uncomfortable speaking to people about your business. Fumble around with failure.
  3. Take Up Meditation – Our internal world is a reflection of our external world. Heal what needs to be healed from your past internally.
  4. Go Into Your Shame – What do you feel shame about? Shame is directed inwards, saying, “Something is wrong with me.”
  5. Get on the Phone or in Person – Real connection happens by leaning into your fear of authentically connecting with people…not superficially connecting.
  6. Hire a Coach or Join a Community – Get direction and accountability, and put support structures in place to honour your growth.
  7. Set Boundaries – Life is short, and real connection is more important. Set boundaries of when to get on Facebook.

Ready to radically change your life and business by embracing your fear of rejection, receiving money or self-worth?

Book your free 30-minute breakthrough coaching call with Ryan now!
===> CLICK HERE to Book Your Call

With Love,
Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching


Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. He is the CEO of Money & Miracles Breakthrough Coaching and the co-founder of the 12-Week Soulful Money Masterclass.

Ryan’s innovative and unique coaching training programs guide people to achieve their goals and dreams by overcoming their limitations, fears, and money blocks. Ryan uses a process to help others overcome their insecurities and procrastination to unlock the unlimited courage that resides deep within.

Ryan has helped over 100 people reach five- to six-figure incomes working from home through his mentorship. He provides an inner map for incredible transformation to unlock people’s purpose, meaning, and passion in their lives.

3-Steps To Overcome The Fear Of Thinking You’re Not Good Enough

3-Steps To Overcome The Fear Of Thinking You’re Not Good Enough

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?

You’re working hard to achieve success in business, but on some level you question if you’re worthy of it.

I totally get this! I struggled for years with this belief. In today’s video I give you three steps to start to heal this belief and move forward.

3-Steps To Overcome The Fear Of Thinking You’re Not Good Enough

After you’ve finished watching, I would love to know…

What is the #1 thing you need the most help in life/business right now?

Comment below and let me know. If we select it, we’ll be shooting next weeks video on your question!

If it’s too personal, shoot me an email at

Love & Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome
CEO | Money & Miracles
Breakthrough Coaching

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How To IGNITE Your Self-Confidence In 2 Minutes

How To IGNITE Your Self-Confidence In 2 Minutes

It’s become very clear that many entrepreneurs in our Money & Miracles community are really struggling with lack of self-confidence. In today’s video you’re going to learn how to ignite your self-confidence in two minutes or less.

You want to move from the lower space of yourself to the BEST VERSION of yourself possible right now. This has worked so well for me to ignite my own self-confidence when I feel like I’m living in a space of fear.

How To Ignite Your Self-Confidence In 2 Minutes:

After you’ve finished watching post in the Facebook section below the TOP 3 accomplishments you’re most proud of.

Having our Money & Miracles Community is there to help you LEAN into the person you want to become with having that community support.

I’m excited to hear from you!

Love & Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome 
CEO | Money & Miracles 
Breakthrough Coaching 


PS: To learn more about my 1:1 personal breakthrough coaching feel free to Click here or message me in the pop up box with your comments or questions and I’ll be sure to respond!


This Will Make Or Break Your Success…..

This Will Make Or Break Your Success…..

You’ve heard of the term, “fake it till you make it” right? The challenge with this approach in business is that it’s exactly that….fake. What has worked within our business is being raw and authentic with people. Admitting my flaws and insecurities. I believe that’s what makes a great leader.

Check out today’s video to see what I’m talking about:

I would love to hear how you can use this in your life today. It’s personally helped explode our business and I know it will help you!

Love & Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome
