7 Best Spiritual Books To Fast-Track Your Spiritual Growth

7 Best Spiritual Books To Fast-Track Your Spiritual Growth

Are you looking for the best spiritual books to read?

I want to share with you some of my favorite spiritual growth books that have transformed my life with increasing joy, abundance, and well-being.

Here are seven spiritual books that can blow your mind and awaken your spiritual power!

Who doesn’t want that?

These spiritual books will teach you how to get out of your own way and align with your higher path.

Ok, let’s jam about self-sabotage. You are doing your best but may feel that your life hasn’t “taken off” yet.

What’s the deal???

You have tried everything. You’re reading spiritual books, listening to podcasts, attending personal growth events, and still feel like you haven’t gotten ahead in life.

Why are you not creating the money you desire or living your life’s higher path?

It’s not your fault. Many people in the world struggle to create their life’s work because they are feeling spirtually disconnected.

I want to show you how I get the most out of these spiritual books that will help you create a life worth living for!

My Best 7 Spiritual Books For Getting Out Of Your Own Way and Increasing Your Joy, Abundance, And Well-Being.

Below you can find the resource list of my fave spiritual books!

Let your intuition guide you towards which ones call your name and pull you towards studying.

# 1 – A Course In Miracles – Foundation For Inner Peace by Dr. Helen Schucman

Best Spiritual Books

The Course, as it is published in this edition and used by three million students worldwide, is a complete self-study spiritual thought system that teaches forgiveness as the road to inner peace and the remembrance of God.

#2 – The Dark Side of The Light Chasers by Debbie Ford

Dark Side of The Light Chasers Debbie Ford

In this enlightening guide, Debbie Ford explains that the dark side of our personality should not be hidden. By denying our dark side, we reject these aspects of our true natures rather than giving ourselves the freedom to live authentically. Here she shows that it is possible to acknowledge and accept our so-called weaknesses, proving that these qualities may be important, hidden strengths. For example, perhaps some ‘selfishness’ can save us from exhaustion and resentment. Full of illuminating stories and practical exercises, Debbie Ford shows us how to reconcile our darker impulses and find the gifts they offer. Your life will be transformed when you unconceal, own, and embrace your shadow.

Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spiritual rituals to create money and freedom. It’s the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to create great money with your soul’s purpose. Click Here To Download Free!

# 3 – Conversations With God – An Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsch

Converations with God - Best Spiritual Books

Conversations with God (CwG) is a sequence of books written by Neale Donald Walsch. It was written as a dialogue in which Walsch asks questions and God answers. The first book of the Conversations with God series, Conversations with God, Book 1: An Uncommon Dialogue, was published in 1995 and became a publishing phenomenon, staying on the New York Times Best-Sellers List for 137 weeks.

#4 – The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse by Debbie Ford

Debbie Ford - Best Spirtual Books

In The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse, Debbie Ford delivers her most practical and prescriptive book yet —a 21–day, life-changing program for spiritual renewal, emotional transformation, and reconnection with the soul’s deepest purpose. Ford, the New York Times bestselling author of Why Good People Do Bad Things, offers a unique program designed to clear our minds and hearts from the negative thoughts and feelings that build up over time and too often guide our decisions and behaviors.

#5 – A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson

A return to love - Best Spiritual Book

Williamson reveals how we each can become a miracle worker by accepting God and by the expression of love in our daily lives. Whether psychic pain is in the area of relationships, career, or health, she shows us how love is a potent force, the key to inner peace, and how by practicing love we can make our own lives more fulfilling while creating a more peaceful and loving world for our children.

#6 – Creating Money – Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

Creating Money - Best Spirtual Book

This step-by-step guide to creating money and abundance was given to Sanaya and Duane by their guides, Orin and DaBen. These wise spirit teachers have successfully helped thousands of people to manifest prosperity, find their life’s work, and fulfill their life purpose. This book is infused with Orin and DaBen’s consciousness of abundance that is available to you as you read to increase your ability to create money and abundance.

#7 – Opening To Channel – How To Connect With Your Guide by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

Opening to Channel - Best Spiritual Books

You will be guided through your first meeting with a guide, explore how to verbally channel a guide, and be given questions to ask your guide as well as information on what to expect when you first start verbally channeling. Instructions are provided for giving yourself a reading as well giving readings to others. You will learn more about how to look into your future with your guide. Opening to Channel is a breakthrough book. Channeling your guide could be the key to accelerating your spiritual growth and opening the doorway to enlightenment.

There you have it! It was tough to choose just seven favorite spiritual books, as I could pick another seven of my favorite!

Let’s jam in the comments!

What are you fave spiritual books?

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates for the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to align with your soul’s purpose!

Subscribe Here: http://www.ryanyokome.com/free-coaching/

Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with a spiritual approach for getting out of their own way to align with their souls purpose. Ryan’s work will help you tap into your own spiritual guidance that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Let’s Connect Spirit Homie!

Connect with me on the Soul Wealth Podcast: http://ryanyokome.com/podcast/
Connect with me on Facebook: https://facebook.com/ryanyokomefan
Connect with me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/ryanyokome
Connect with me on Youtube: http://youtube.com/ryanyokome

Get my free 7-Day Spiritual Money Flow Mini-Course. You’ll get 7 Spiritual rituals to create money and freedom. It’s the spiritual approach for getting out of your own way to create great money with your soul’s purpose. Click Here To Download Free!

Awaken Your Spirit

Awaken Your Spirit

Are you secretly afraid of your spiritual power?

I want to support you to tap into your inner strength and build your spiritual self-confidence.

I get you. There’s a calling inside of you to become and create more. If you think you’re not good enough….let your imagination soar!

The vibration of our planet and human consciousness is on the rise every day. We’re shifting into a higher wave and being called to LET GO of anything in our lives that are inauthentic, incongruent, or comprising our soul power.

Let me ask you a simple question.

Have you ever stayed awake at night thinking about your problems in life?

You’re here to do something extraordinary. Why do you get caught up in worry or overwhelm and give away your spiritual power?

If you’re bold enough to delve deeper and explore your soul think about these questions…

Who takes away your power? Who in your life do you give away your spiritual power? Who drains the life out of you?

Who enhances your power? Who do you feel expanded and empowered to be around?

If I’m not mistaken, you’re the kind of person who likes to feel HAPPY!

You’ve probably noticed that certain people or situations disempower or empower you. These situations are called POWER PLAYS. They’re a spiritual lesson to explore where in your life you are having power struggles.

I’m incredibly pleased to tell you that you can awaken your spirit and take your power back!

Let’s explore a simple way on how you can do this.


1. What disempowers me?
2. What empowers me?

If you’ve been waiting for the right time to take your power back then here, you go!

What’s the “gift in the garbage” with list number one, and how can you do more of list number two?

Here me on this….whatever is disempowering you in list number one you are choosing that experience. Why are you giving your power away? You’re going to have to do some soul searching and explore if you want to keep living that way or make that tough choice to change things.

Get creative with your lists! It will be a fun exercise for you! Then as you shift ask yourself how you spend more time and energy doing the things you love.

You are powerful and incredible. You have so much life to offer the world. Today’s the day to take your power back.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

Join the Tribe! http://www.ryanyokome.com/free-coaching/

See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,
Ryan Yokome
Breakthrough Coaching

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

What does freedom mean to you?

To me, what freedom means is expressing to the world your most authentic self and being who you truly are.

Your soul has an agenda. Your soul has a plan. There’s a reason why you’re on this planet.

We’ve been taught to be a good boy, be a good girl, go to school, get good grades, be able to get into a college or university to get a great education, be able to land an awesome job or a career where you make good money, you have benefits, you have security, you have a steady income, you’re able to afford buying a house, buying a car, having your weekends off, and hopefully retiring with enough money to live so you can die.

That’s the model, but that’s one way of living. It’s not right or wrong. It’s just one way of living. That model has never worked for my soul, ever. I rebelled against that model. It never felt authentic to me, and it never gave me freedom.

My soul loves connection and freedom, so, for me, what I had to do is I had to go deeper and dig and look at why did these models not work for me, and what is my soul really craving?

I went exploring because I wanted to know what is my soul’s agenda. What’s your soul’s agenda? What are you up to on this planet?

If you’re still on this planet, you’re here for a reason, and if you don’t know why you’re here, it’s an okay place to be, but you do need to explore why you think you’re here.

What is your soul up to?

What’s the agenda of your soul?

How many things are you doing in life today or maybe this past week or this past decade that don’t advance the agenda of your soul?

See, how you know you’re not following your soul is really simple. You’re bored. Things you’re doing feel stale. They feel robotic. They feel old, and you’re just tired of it. That’s a sign you’re not following your soul’s plan.

However, you’re exactly where you need to be.

Wherever you are right now is exactly where you need to be until you decide not to be there, and that’s when you start to advance. You have this shot. Let’s say you have an 80 or 90 or a 100-year window to live life and follow what your soul is telling you. You’ve got this shot, and my belief is if you don’t learn the lesson in this lifetime to follow what your soul’s telling you, it’ll rinse and repeat, and you’ll come into another lifetime and you’ll need to learn the lesson again or you’ll need to go for the experience again, but actually develop and grow out of it.

Pain in the body, emotional challenges, self doubt, worry, lack, poverty, debt, confusion, overwhelm, these are all signs that you’re disconnected from your soul. Being bored, feeling robotic, feeling stale, being stuck in a job you’re not happy with, those are all signs. Your soul is telling you you need to change something. This is a good thing.

What you want to do is mix it up because your soul actually likes newness. It likes excitement. It likes adventure. That’s what it wants to do. What you want to do is as you start to become aware of where you’re out of alignment with your soul plan, the next step is really simple. It’s listening to your heart. Your heart will guide you to where you want to go. It can be scary living from your heart, but it can also be exciting.

The best thing that we can do, if you want to shift into freedom, is to actually start to do the work on yourself and get out of fear. If you can get out of fear, now you’re adding to the collective love of the planet.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

Join the Tribe! http://www.ryanyokome.com/free-coaching/

See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of spiritual seekers create a foundation for inner peace through releasing limiting stories, intuitive development, getting into vibrational alignment, and discovering their life purpose. Ryan’s work help you tap into your inner guru that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Connect with Ryan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryanyokomefan




Get Out of Your Own Way and Raise Your Wealth Vibes

Get Out of Your Own Way and Raise Your Wealth Vibes

Have you ever wondered why you get in your own way? It could be why you get in your own way to create abundance, why you get in your own way to take care of your self-care, to have a better life, to be more connected to the universe.

From what I’ve found within myself and from working with people all around the world, is that it is a mindset thing because of limiting beliefs, fears, or trauma.

But at the core root level, it’s that you are just disconnected from your soul and that’s really it. You’re not dialed into what your soul is telling you to do, and so frequently what ends up happening is it’s the mind that is riddled with fear, or insecurities, or doubts, or worry, or fear of loss.

Then the mind blocks you from connecting to your soul. But at the core level, at the root, it’s learning to drop into your heart and connect with your soul and let your soul guide you.

Your soul is your guide. It’s your best mentor that you have. So you want to use it as understanding that your intuition is your best mentor.

If you want to travel more, or you want to have more fun time, or you want to have more free time, you want to raise your wealth vibes, is you got to start doing the inner work. I call it soul work.

You want to do the soul work on yourself and it starts to get you where your mind can feel safe. Because if your mind doesn’t feel safe, then your heart will never open. Your soul will never open. You’ll always be trying to analyze your way out of things, figure things out in your head. You really got to tap into this space of imagination and curiosity.

Don’t get stuck because this is how the mind works. The mind goes, “I wish I had this thing,” whatever this thing was, and then maybe you get inspired but then you can’t figure it out and then you get confused and then you don’t know your next step and then you get overwhelmed and then you compare yourself to other people, or you think you don’t have enough time, enough money and then you just spin. And you just sit in this spinning.

It actually becomes safer for you to do nothing than to do something but it comes at the cost of you beating yourself up, and your soul feels like, “You’re not listening to me.”

We want to tune back into your soul. To do that, you got to get out of this spinning. One of the fastest ways to get out of this spinning is to start getting help. Ask the universe, “Hey, I need some help here. I need some support here.”

If you don’t have money, you have got to get into action. You’ve got to stop fucking around and get into action. Train yourself to get out of the spinning and then get into action with one thing and then that will start to move you forward.

If you’re in a place where you’re happy but you want to connect back to your soul, go fill your cup up with self-care. So you can fill yourself up and be the best version of yourself and then everyone around you is greatly impacted by that, as well, by you just feeling good about yourself.

Ready For A Breakthrough?

Let’s get deeper and play bigger! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Subscribe for free weekly emails and Soul Wealth Podcast updates to create a movement of high vibe wealth consciousness!

Join the Tribe! http://www.ryanyokome.com/free-coaching/

See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of spiritual seekers create a foundation for inner peace through releasing limiting stories, intuitive development, getting into vibrational alignment, and discovering their life purpose. Ryan’s work help you tap into your inner guru that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Connect with Ryan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryanyokomefan

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my assistant Brandi at brandi@ryanyokome.com

SWP18: Magnetize Your Wealth Vibration with Ryan Yokome

SWP18: Magnetize Your Wealth Vibration with Ryan Yokome

Ready to raise your money vibes? In this Soul Wealth Podcast episode you’ll learn how to raise your wealth vibration through the gift of a positive attitude. I covered serval simple ways to shift your mindset and align your vibes with a higher consciousness of wealth.

Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Over the past decade, Ryan has helped hundreds of spiritual seekers create a foundation for inner peace through releasing limiting stories, intuitive development, getting into vibrational alignment, and discovering their life purpose. Ryan’s work help you tap into your inner guru that will guide you home to feel more connected, wildly free, and abundantly wealthy in all areas of your life.

Visit Ryan’s website: http://www.ryanyokome.com

Connect with Ryan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryanyokomefan

Let’s get deeper and play bigger in the I AM WORTHY Community! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels. Take the FREE 5-Day I AM WORTHY Challenge and let’s raise your money vibes and charge your worth.


Join the Tribe! www.ryanyokome.com/worthy

See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my assistant Brandi at brandi@ryanyokome.com