Bliss Map

A creative goal-setting guide to ignite your life purpose. Are you overwhelmed? Do you procrastinate on achieving your goals and dreams? The Bliss Map will ignite your deepest passion and life purpose through a fun and creative guided process. You’ll play with discovering your crystal-clear vision, joy, values, priorities, and empowering affirmations, and blaze a trail to live your passions with clarity and confidence. Say good-bye to your inner critic and fears. It’s time to awaken your life purpose and start living it! Go deeper and play bigger with juicy, thought-provoking questions from seven soul-enriched areas of your life. Awaken your laughter, abundance, adventure, and fulfillment by exploring who you are in the world. The Bliss Map will inspire you into action.

Soul Wealth Summit

Turn your soul’s passion into a rich and thriving business that awakens the world! Ready to be inspired? Build a passionate life and business with insider tips from leaders living the dream with the Soul Wealth Summit. Imagine doing what you love every single day. Imagine getting out of bed knowing you’re going to make a difference … and going to bed knowing that you have. The Soul Wealth Summit will help you take your soul’s deepest passion and transform it into a business that empowers you and those around you with in-depth interviews from 27 industry experts – including me – who have done exactly that. Get all 27 inspiring video interviews between myself and a hand-picked tribe of high achievers and leaders living our lives’ passions. Get out of fear, get inspired, and finally achieve all those goals and dreams you’ve been putting off.