My Conversation with Faith on Donald Trump

Donald Trump is President of the United States of America.

Yes, and?

A lot of people are upset, and yet, others are rejoicing.

Your world is healing, and Donald Trump is exposing the parts of humanity that need healing. Do you see this?

Well, I asked my friends on Facebook to describe how they felt in one word now that Trump is President. Many said, “disgusted”, “cautious”, “relieved”, “excited”, “optimistic”, and “thankful”. Why is this?

To heal a wound, you must address the wound. Your world is suffering because they do not know there is a wound. In this sense, how can you solve a problem when you are not aware there is a problem? Donald Trump represents many of the parts of humanity that crave healing.

So, by bringing forth the anger, frustration, resentment and other emotions, we will be able to heal the fear and move on to the love?

Yes, which is to remember who you are.

So, this is a blessing in disguise?

Everything in life is a blessing if you choose to believe it is.

And what about our fear about some of the things he wishes to do?

Do you see?

See what?

It is not about him. Your world is uniting in love because you are growing tired of living in fear. Where there is lack of love, there will surely be fear. In this sense, it is not Donald Trump you are judging, but, rather, your own inner fear that you have been avoiding. Donald Trump is the vessel through which humanity will address their wounds and do healing work. Do you not see how more and more people are taking back their personal power to stand in love? Sometimes you have to forget who you are to remember who you are.

Yes, much more, especially on social media.

Donald Trump represents a collective consciousness of humanity who thinks as he does. In this sense, you are not dealing with just one man – you are facing the unhealed wounds of millions of others who hold a similar belief system. Donald Trump is but a physical representation of those who resonate at that level of thought.

So, we’re healing through the exposure of Donald Trump’s belief system?

Correct. As you move into deeper states of love, you must experience the uncomfortable process of resistance. All healing is first met with resistance.

So, what do we do now?

You make a choice. You can choose to believe that Donald Trump is outside of you and judge, blame, criticize, or condemn him, or you can take responsibility of your own emotions and stand strong in love.

How can I do that when I don’t agree with him?

It is not him with whom you are disagreeing – it is you.

What do you mean? Can you explain?

And herein lies a humanities challenge. You believe you are separate from one another. Fear is the process of believing you are separate from one another. To love Donald Trump is to love yourself. To love Donald Trump is to love the millions of others who think like him.

Does this mean I have to agree with him?

Most certainly not. You do not have to do anything you don’t want to do. You can, however, choose who you want to be in relation to him. Can you see the divine perfection in this process? This is most certainly not about choosing to believe what he believes. This is about you standing strong in your truth and standing in love.

Which is not always easy.

That is true. Most people do not want to think. This is why politics is so popular. As long as the leader has a rigid set of rules that are simple to follow, and the leader is consistent in his teachings, people will follow that leader because it eliminates the need to think. This is why your world is changing. People are starting to think for themselves.

This is why so many people are standing in love?

Yes. They are choosing to not only think for themselves but also voice their thoughts. This is a sign that your world is waking up to love.

Thank you so much, Faith. This makes sense to me.

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

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