My Conversation with Faith on Creating Freedom

Why do we all crave freedom so much?

Freedom is your birthright.

I feel the most alive when I am expressing my true authentic self in all that I do. Is that true freedom?

It can be part of that which you call freedom. Underneath all of your choices based on freedom is the need to feel good.

So when I have more freedom I feel good?

Don’t you?

Well, yes.

Freedom brings you alive because it is the dualistic side of oppression.

What do you mean?

How do you feel when you are suppressed?

Stuck, frustrated, sad, angry and sometimes resentful!

Preciously. For inside the feeling of oppression is the sense of constricting your soul.

That would explain why I love what I do. I feel very creative and free with my work in the world as a transformation coach.

Good, now help others to feel that way, too.

I do. That is my focus every day. How can I best help others to feel more freedom every day?

Help them remember who they are.

Which is?

A divine soul filled with the intelligence of the universe moving through every cell of their being.

I get that. But how do I help others feel this way when they have money, relationship, or health challenges in their life?

There are only two ways in which your world operates. One is through the laws of nature, and the other is through the laws of the universe. Get into vibrational alignment with those laws and your money, relationships, and health will thrive.

What about the laws created by us? How do human laws relate to our freedom?

Do you not notice a natural desire to break the human laws which you have created?

For some people, yes, but there are consequences.

And yet those who abide by the human laws which are enforced, feel oppressed.

I feel that way sometimes, too. I feel trapped living a life by a set of guidelines that someone else created, which don’t always feel right to my soul.

Your world feels a lack of freedom not because freedom does not exist, but because you are enforcing a flawed belief.

Which is?

“If I focus on what I don’t want, I can have what I do want.”

Which goes against the natural laws of the universe?

Preciously. Freedom is created by focusing on what you do want. You are told, no wait, enforced, no wait, controlled, to “not do this”, or “not do that” so internally, you are aligned with the vibration of what you do not want.

How can I change this, because much of this is out of my control?


What do I do?

You focus on what you can control.

Do you have an example?

Where do you feel you don’t have a choice?

Earning money. I have to continue making money to live a certain lifestyle and support my family while taking care of responsibilities.

You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.

Then I would be homeless and destitute.

Then you would be free of the identity you have created around the life you have. Many of you transform your life when you stop allowing money to control your thinking. You have to give up the life you’ve created to get the life you truly desire.

So what can I do?

Start focusing on the areas of your life where you do have money, as many of you equate money to power, it would be wise of you to shift your focus to the areas of your life that you do feel you have a choice.

How can I do this?

Stop thinking you have to earn money.


You already have it.

What do you mean?

You BELIEVE you have to get money, which is a vibration of lack. For in doing so you are emitting a frequency of lack to the universe through the law of attraction! Which then makes you feel a loss of freedom in your choices. “I can’t go on that vacation, buy that car, eat at that restaurant, or purchase myself new clothes because I don’t have the money right now.” This is a vibration of lack. Although you may not see the money in your bank account right now, your job, then, is to shift your focus onto what you do want, instead of what you don’t want. Through the law of attraction, you will begin to manifest ways in which to create, receive, and magnetize money. Ultimately, many of you believe money gives you options, which attracts your freedom of choice.

I know some people who are reading this will have a hard time feeling abundant if their life doesn’t reflect abundance.

Look and begin to focus on the areas you do receive money. Ah, yes! This is fun. I believe so. It’s a game of focusing on what you do want rather than what you don’t want. That is true freedom.

And what will that open up?

Creating freedom of course.

What do you mean by creating freedom?

The freedom to express the most true and authentic version of you and all that you do.

What can I do to start to focus on what I want?

Make a list.

Of what?

At the top of the list write, “FREEDOM.” Then begin to create a list of every area of your life that you experience freedom. Anything between receiving money from your career to the freedom of choosing when you brush your teeth. All of these choices are based on freedom, and behind the desire to have freedom, is the willingness to feel good. You love freedom because it is your natural state to feel good. Flow with where you already have freedom, and you will attract more freedom into your life.

So simple.

Fun, right?

Yes, very much so!

And so it is.

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

P.S – Let’s get deeper and play bigger in the I AM WORTHY Community! Come join me and our thousands-strong tribe of Spirit Rebels.

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