How to Make Money When You Have No Money

Have you ever felt deflated because of your lack of money?

I remember went it hit me the hardest. I was at a comedy club and the comedian said, “you know you’re broke when you don’t care if someone steals your credit cards.”

Ahhhhhh…Yes (shrink in my seat.)

How can you turn your life around quickly?

Start investing into yourself.

You sooner you can grow these 3 areas the faster you’ll see financial success within your life:


Now, I’d love to hear from YOU!

What area can you be better in and how would that impact your career?

In Gratitude,



Proven Way to ATTRACT Unlimited NEW Promoters

Have you ever wondered…

Why don’t people sign-up with me every month in my business??? I talk to people, post on Facebook, do home parties and yet people still don’t sign-up. Why don’t I have more promoters in my business!

There are many reasons, but a common one usually comes from “lack of trust.” It can come in many forms from integrity, to leadership. All I know is people ONLY do business with those they KNOW, LIKE & TRUST. Go figure. 😉

In the comments below, I’d love to see your response what can you take “Public” that will inspire people which currently you keep “private”?

a. What are you keeping Private (that if you went public would inspire people to want to do business with you)?

b. What platform can you GO PUBLIC with your personal life (i.e: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter ext)?

I’m excited to see what you share.

As always, thank you for your time, energy and questions!



How Do I Earn A Full-Time Income From Home? Q&A

Kris Britton is the visionary behind and her health & wellness blog, she is a Certified Life & Success Coach and Successful Home Based Entrepreneur.

Kris is known as a messenger for Financial Freedom. She provides step by step strategies that transform women’s businesses and lives. Kris’ coaching tools help women unlock their purpose and self worth, taking their business from zero to a 6 figure income quickly.

Loving what you do and making money doing it is so important! Kris believes that we are here to share our purpose with the world while working less and getting paid more, having time freedom and financial freedom to live a life full of fun and adventure.

Your net-worth is determined by your network. Kris learned years ago to gain financial freedom she needed to toss the excuses aside, rewrite her BROKE BELIEFS, work smarter, not harder and build a network of targeted people online so she could build a successful business. Today, Kris coaches women in her business to overcome their limiting beliefs, while she reveals her valuable, proven strategies for online networking, and provides the game plan to rock your business so you can live a life full of purpose, passion and financial freedom.

In Gratitude,


“Overcoming Procrastination” – 1 way to stop NOW!

If you’ve found yourself putting off important tasks over and over again, you’re not alone. In fact, many people procrastinate to some degree – but some are so chronically affected by procrastination that it stops them fulfilling their potential and disrupts their careers.

The key to controlling this destructive habit is to recognize when you start procrastinating, understand why it happens (even to the best of us), and take active steps to manage your time and outcomes better.

In Gratitude,
