What do you need to give up?

Join a home business and make a bunch of money. Life will be great then right? Everything stays the same but you’re making way more money.

Except it doesn’t really work like that.

Here Goes….

#1. Give up your need to be right. It will cost you thousands.

#2. Give up taking all the credit. No one person creates a successful team.

#3. Give up hanging around losers. Be around positive people.

#4. Give up your fear of rejection. No doesn’t mean no, just not right now.

#5. Give up re-inventing the wheel. Learn from others who have succeeded before you.

#6. Give up on TV. The infamous automatic income reducer.

#7. Give up taking advice from broke people. Hint, Hint again, find a good mentor.

#8. Give up procrastination. What are you waiting for?

#9. Give up on failing. If you need help, admit it and get help FAST.

#10. Give up on blaming others. Take 100% responsibility of your results.

#11. Give up on being optimistic. Upgrade your skill-sets.

#12. Give up making it about you. Start helping others.

#13. Give up on excuses. You’re bigger than them.

#14. Give up being nice. Challenge people to break their “routines.”

#15. Give up selling. Focus on raising people up instead.


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In Gratitude,


PS: I did I miss anything? Leave your comments below…